The art of creating unique video game covers has slowly turned into a humdrum formula. But why? Let's jump into the history of video games and see how exactly covers arts have devolved.
By Toonacious
Featured 3 years ago in Funny
Beloved eBaum's users, we're at the bottom of the poop-stuffed barrel with this one. It's time to take a deep dive into the atrocity that was...
Featured 3 years ago in Eww
As video games become more like Hollywood blockbusters, we thought a list of movie adaptions would be fitting.
Featured 3 years ago in Ftw
Gamers often get a bad reputation for being lazy, socially distant losers, but this notion is (hopefully) starting to correct itself.
Featured 3 years ago in Feels
Video games are known for many things, and while writing isn't exactly one of them, games over the years have given us some pretty memorable quotes.
Featured 4 years ago in Feels