'I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them.'
Featured 11 months ago in Feels
Custom consoles are nothing new. All it takes is a bit of paint and skill to give an old console a new look. However, some companies sometimes...
By PocketEpiphany
Featured 3 years ago in Wow
Sidekicks in video games are a touchy subject. Some sidekicks go on to be beloved characters of their very own, like Miles “Tails” Prower....
Featured 3 years ago in Funny
With Nintendo recently announcing Metroid Dread, the franchise is hotter than ever. And plenty of fans are dusting off their old cartridges to...
Nintendo helped bring gaming back from the brink after the crash of the 1980s. And modern Nintendo has created a successful niche outside of the...
Featured 3 years ago in Ftw
James Bond is one of the coolest characters ever created. And this eventually led to one of the greatest video games ever made: Goldeneye 007 for...
Nintendo didn’t invent video games. But after bringing gaming back from the crash of the 1980s, they helped define the entire...
Featured 3 years ago in Facepalm
It’s kind of a miracle Nintendo is still around. While the company singlehandedly brought console gaming back after the video game crash, they...
In many ways, the Nintendo 64 remains Nintendo’s most iconic system. It gave us amazing 3D games, new franchises, and reinvented what...
Gamers are a superstitious bunch.
By Wxaith
Featured 4 years ago in Funny