'Act Like You Want to Be Here': Dudes Huddle Up after Losing to Women in Flip Cup

These guys have gone into full crisis mode after repeatedly losing to women in flip cup.

By figgyPudding

Published 2 years ago in Funny

These guys have gone into full crisis mode after repeatedly losing to women in flip cup.

Realizing that some changes are needed, these dudes have gone into the huddle to try and step up their game and make a comeback against the ladies they have been repeatedly losing to. One man appears to have assumed the role of team leader. "Get your sh*t together, act like you want to be here, or we leave!" he yells at his team. The comments seem directed at one person in particular. After all, in flip cup, you really are only as good as your weakest link.

To the women's credit, they seem as relaxed as can be. Now that's what real confidence in your team looks like. As one comment says, "Gentleman. It's a soft light touch and you have to find just the right spot... I wonder why they still can't."
@aya3259#sorelosers#flipcup♬ оригинальный звук - zotov