Arnold Schwarzenegger Donates 25 Tiny Homes for Homeless Vets Days Before Christmas

Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently donated $250k to have 25 tiny homes given to homless veterans and their animals,...

By Cody Brousher

Published 3 years ago in Feels

Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently donated $250k to have 25 tiny homes given to homeless veterans and their animals, getting them off the streets and out of their tents in West LA.

"I'm really ecstatic. I'm so excited. To me this is the greatest Christmas gift." said Schwarzenegger in an interview with Elex Michaelson, host and executive producer of "The Issue is: with Elex Michaelson" on Fox 11 Southern California.

"It's been a lifesaver for me," shared Bruce Henry Cooper, a veteran receiving one of the homes. "He has not forgotten us."

The tiny homes provide heating, air conditioning, power, and as one vet named Ferris Kerns shared, "no squirrels and no rats."