Dude Shows His Mom His Tattoo Right Before He Leaves the Country for Three Months

If she doesn’t like it, too bad!

By Braden Bjella

Published 2 months ago in Funny

If she doesn’t like it, too bad!

Back in the day, having tattoos either meant you were in the army, that you were a gangster or that you had poor decision-making skills. While we can argue whether the latter still applies today, I think it’s fair to say that most people have come around on tattoos. If you see someone walking around tatted up, they’re more likely to be a barista than a member of an active street gang.

One group that hasn’t come around on the idea, however, is moms. Your tattoo could say anything at all, and the average mom would still be opposed to it. That’s why a lot of people hide their tattoos from their parents — at least until they get the opportunity to, as this guy did, reveal them at the funniest time possible.