André the Giant Once Blasted a Fart in Front of the...
- While filming "The Princess Bride" André stunned the...
Media videos
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Hungover Hottie Can't Hold It and Poops Her Pants in a...
- These two girls have been partying for three days and...
Minister Blows Chunks During Bride's Wedding Vows
- We all know that couple that makes you sick to your...
Talk Show Host's Chair Breaks and Penetrates His...
- During a live segment on the Today Show, this poor...
Close Look at Professional Deep Cleaning of Nasty...
- I've never felt so compelled to keep watching...
Have You Ever Wondered Where You Poop Goes After the...
- Ever wonder where your poop goes when you flush the...
Woman's Nacho 'Hack' Is a Crime Against Food
- Honestly, this bizarre nacho recipe might just be a...
Big Dude Powerlifting May Have Just Crapped His Pants
- This dude was trying to muster up all his energy to...
Dude Eats a Bat Just for Fun
- That'll show 'em who's boss.
McDonald's Employee Adds Her Own Secret Sauce to...
- Nasty food worker scratched her butt crack and then...
WTF Moment Rat Jumps Out of Drawer and Into the Oven
- This woman got quite the scare when she opened a...
Nasty Coworker Enjoys the Break-room Cake as a Single...
- Don't trust community treats! This Karen monster...
Did Rudy Giuliani Just Blow His Nose and Wipe it All...
- During a press conference about the election and the...
Ronald McDonald Attempts to Let Out a Silent Fart but...
- Must be all those McDoubles he's been eating. ...
Streamer Finds Out How Used Japanese Panties Really...
- These vending machines were a thing of legend, but...
Dog's Long and Rancid Fart Makes the Cat Puke
- I bet that whole room smelled pretty gnarly after that!
Rudy Giuliani and Sacha Cohen's Response to the...
- In this clip from "Borat 2", Rudy Giuliani was fooled...
Foot Worshiper Gets Caught Sucking Toes In Traffic
- Dude gets his slurp on while stuck in traffic.
The FSO Nabarima with 60,000,000 Gallons of Oil Aboard...
- Gary Aboud, a corporate secretary for "Fishermen and...
Guy Shows How 'Pro Gamers' Live in Absolute Squalor
- If your kid is thinking of getting on Twitch, show...
Personal Trainer Forces a Beefer Out of a Client That...
- This unlucky personal trainer squeezed more than the...
Guy Installs a Motion Activated Sprinkler System to...
- He was sick and tired of tourists and locals using his...
Guy Attempts the Power Drill Beer Chug and Ends up...
- +10 respect for the effort.
Dude's Farts are So Rancid His Dyson Air Purifier...
- Those are expensive fart analyzers, think I'll keep...
Unhealthy Amount of Sweat Gushes out of Doctor's...
- How can one person generate this much sweat?
Bodybuilder Is Proud of His Double D Pecs
- Strippers look at his chest and feel jealous.
Woman Asked to Wear a Mask Pulls Off Her Panties and...
- Hey, sometimes you just gotta do whatever it takes. I...
Florida Sheriff Deputy Checking a Suspect Gets a Nasty...
- Deputies in Walton County Florida respond to a dispute...
Wife Films Husband's Massive Farts After Colonoscopy...
- Now, this is what I call true love.
Roaches Crawl All over Woman While She's Filming...
- They really didn't want to leave her alone.
Guy Sneaking a Poop Gets Caught and Has to Pick it up...
- This man thought he was exempt from the log, but he...
Crow's Incredible Aim to Protect Her Fallen Chick
- A woman in San Clemente saw a baby crow fall from a...
Poop Truck Filled To The Brim Takes a Guy's Day from...
- It was a Shitnami of epic proportions!
Inside Edition "Sting" Finds Sheets Weren’t Changed...
- With the vital need for enhanced cleaning and...
Daughter Attempts to Throw her Mother's Ashes into the...
- Nothing like showering yourself in the memories of...
Praying Mantis Goes Savage on Murder Hornet in...
- Why don't we have more sports commentary for everyday...
Big Ed Forced to Shower with Rose's Dad, It Gets...
- Nothing quite like showering with your future in-laws...
See inside Dude's Leg through Skin Graft Window
- Looks like raw chicken but it's actually a skin graft...
Dog Humping Dude's Foot Like Nothing You've Seen Before
- Well, uh...it's safe to say his dog really loves him.
Girl Sets Her Boyfriends Beefer on Fire
- Day 14 of quarantine and things are getting weirder by...
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