Guy Gets Cold-Cocked During Flag Football Game After Excessive Touchdown Celebration

I have two thoughts after watching this video. If you as a defender don't like the other team celebrating, don't let them score in the first place. And if you're going to retaliate, at least make it a fair fight.

By zachnading

Published 1 year ago in Ouch

I have two thoughts after watching this video. If you as a defender don't like the other team celebrating, don't let them score in the first place. And if you're going to retaliate, at least make it a fair fight.

For argument's sake let's just pretend this exact situation occurs in the NFL. It's a beautiful catch, but touching another player during your celebration is an easy taunting penalty to call. So that's a flag, but going after a player and cold-cocking him is a suspendable offense. Ejection and fines are both likely.

So I'm on the receiver's side here. Yeah he's an idiot for the excessive celebration, but the defender reacts like a psychopath. Goodnight, sweet prince.