New York Finally Enters the Modern Era by Getting Trash Cans
New York is on the cutting edge of everything.
Published 7 months ago in Funny
New York is on the cutting edge of everything. Technology, transit, street crime—whatever you want, the Big Apple’s got it. However, up until recently, that did not include trash cans. As of this year, the U.S.’ largest city’s solution to its trash problem was “idk man just throw it on the ground.” Now, in an underwhelming press conference soundtracked by Jay-Z’s “Empire State of Mind,” the city has announced that you can now buy a trash can from the city for $50. “Welcome to our trash revolution,” explained Mayor Eric Adams. Greatest city in the world!
“Welcome to our trash revolution.” Mayor Adams introduces the new bin that buildings with 1-9 units will be required to use instead of loose bags of garbage
— Liam Quigley (@_elkue) July 8, 2024