Olympic Triathlete Vomits After Swimming in the Poop River

The Seine is safe to swim in, right? While the French government may insist that this is the case, plenty of Olympians and average Joe’s alike have their doubts.

By Braden Bjella

Published 6 months ago in Funny

The Seine is safe to swim in, right? While the French government may insist that this is the case, plenty of Olympians and average Joe’s alike have their doubts.

For example, one Olympian apparently claimed that he was preparing for the (formerly) disease-ridden waters by microdosing E. coli, a statement he later insisted was a joke. Still, as competitions set in the river are canceled due to pollution, it’s no surprise that some are hesitant to hop into the water — and that this triathlete ended his run by puking his guts out. He may say it was a result of the heat, but I can imagine that a mouthful of sewer water probably didn’t help.