Bungee Jump Goes Wrong When Harness Slips Off Man's...
- The man had to go to the hospital where multiple organ...
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Cyclist Wails After Barreling through a Stop Sign and...
- Dude on a bicycle screams down a hill into an...
An Extremely WTF Spine Adjustment I Was Sure Killed...
- The look on her face makes me wonder if I'm missing...
Anyone Planning To Storm Area 51 Should Probably Watch...
- Learn from their pain: riot control weapons are no...
Removing A Stingray Barb Is No Joke, But This Guy's...
- A pair of pliers and some booze for disinfectant was...
Woman Attempting to Hide from Her Lover's Wife Falls...
- It's was all fun and games until "her man's" wife...
Ax Fighting "Weightloss Workout" Goes Wrong When...
- Armed with only a flimsy shield and a crappy mallet,...
Weapons "Expert" Underestimates Power Of Grenade He Is...
- Idiot gets blown on his ass after trying to hold a...
Rubbernecking Driver Causes Accident at the Scene of...
- Amazingly no one was seriously injured.
Elephant Smacks Tourist For Getting Too Close
- A woman on vacation in Zambia learned a hard lesson...
Alligator Knocks Out Trapper after Being Taunted
- A Florida Animal Control Officer takes a headbutt to...
Little Person Gets Launched to the Stratosphere by...
- That was some epic hang time!
Bike Race Ends Before It Even Begins Due to Gate...
- All but one of the racers in this group faceplanted...
Guy Removes a Massive Splinter From His Foot and it...
- He shows no fear in getting that sucker out. I bet it...
Would-be Robber Fatally Shoots Himself In The Groin
- He fled on a motorcycle but only made it two blocks...
Bikini Clad Cheer Squad Drop Their Top On The Ground
- There's going to be some trust issues after this.
Sexy Beach Babe Climbs a Flagpole and Busts Her Ass
- A bikini clad showoff went from hero to zero in front...
Wannabe Tough Guy Challenges K9 Officer and Pays the...
- What did you think would happen genius?
KD Tells Drake, "You Weren't Talking Tonight, Were Ya?...
- Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson of the Golden State...
Powerlifter's Leg Snaps Like A Twig
- Yaroslav Radashkevich breaks his leg in two places, in...
Passionate Wrestling Fan Proves He's Just Not Cut Out...
- Flying Elbow Drop Onto Microwave Ends With A Knockout
Very Dramatic Woman Falls Off a Small Cliff
- A married couple posted this "I Shouldn't Be Alive"...
Brainiac Rides a Snowmobile Over a Pool
- The only place this guy landed was in the Emergency...
Showoff Gets Bonked on the Head
- That wasn't as impressive as he thought it would be.
Guy's Worst Fear About Getting Tazed Comes True
- This will surely hit any man in the feels! When you...
Skateboarding Chick Knocks Herself Into Next Week
- "Oh my God!"
Extremely Petty Security Guard Slams a Dude
- That had to hurt. I wonder what he did to deserve it....
This Is Why You Never Challenge A Bull
- What did you think was going to happen?
Man Bitten On The Face By Snake Hiding At Door
- Sometimes, when life gives you snakes you gotta get...
Raymond Daniels Provided Us With The MMA Knockout Of...
- Raymond Daniels delivers a KO of the year level win...
Woman Too Big For Zip Line Takes A Tumble
- A stern warning from friends wasn't enough to stop...
Jackie Chan When His Stunts Go Wrong
- Just in case you didn't know, Jackie Chan does all of...
MMA Fighter Has Cops Called To His House And Chokes...
- When police officers started chastizing this MMA...
Guy Trying To Dive Into Water Dives Into Concrete
- The man tries to jump over some railing to get into...
Idiot Moves Table as a Prank and Nearly Kills a Man
- This moron is lucky his "prank" during a table jumping...
Softball Player's Awesome Catch Robs a Homerun But At...
- She'll be feeling that one in the morning, she might...
Trainer Has to Maneuver Quickly to Not Get Hit Where...
- A blind woman being trained nearly takes out the boys.
Amateur Firebreather Is Never Going Pro
- Perhaps it's time to pursue a new hobby, I would...
Removal of a Massive Splitter is Gross and Yet So...
- The relief at the moment it came out had to be...
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