Phillies’ Minor League Team Dog Makes Debut by Taking a Dump on the Field

The Clearwater Threshers, a minor league team for the Philadelphia Phillies, recently got a new bat dog named Lucy May. I know, how sweet.

By Braden Bjella

Published 5 months ago in Funny

Bad dog!

The Clearwater Threshers, a minor league team for the Philadelphia Phillies, recently got a new bat dog named Lucy May. I know, how sweet.

Unfortunately for the team, it looks like the pup isn’t ready for primetime. Why do I think that? Well, because he used his big debut to take a dump on the field.

In front of an adoring crowd, Lucy May took off right past the bat she was supposed to fetch, then ran around in a wide circle before finally dropping a deuce on the grass. Thankfully, the crowd loved it — but who knows? Maybe the dog is just more of a Mets fan.