Steve-O Eats a Carolina Reaper for Commercial with Ryan Reynolds

We had a full medical team on standby in case #SteveO accidentally got a piece of pepper on me during this #MNTN demo. Safety first.

By Andrew Cunningham

Published 2 years ago in Funny

Steve-O joins Ryan Reynolds on the set of a commercial shoot to demonstrate a product called MNTN Reynolds was endorsing. They kick things up a notch when Reynolds has the Jackass star eat a Carolina Reaper, a pepper that ranks at over two million Scoville heat units. Those numbers might not mean anything at face value but for reference, a really hot habanero might come in at 500,000 Scoville units.

We had a full medical team on standby in case #SteveO accidentally got a piece of pepper on me during this #MNTN demo. Safety first.