Watch a Tesla Plaid Go from 0 to 160mph In Nothing Flat

If you get to take a ride in one of these things, go ahead and strap yourself in because you're about to sh*t your pants!

By Chet Donnelly

Published 3 years ago Ftw

Tesla electric cars have come a long way in the few short years since their initial release. While many people scoffed at the idea of a sporty mass-produced electric car, others saw the true potential and were clamoring to get in line and buy one. While hybrids and other electric cars were around before the brand launch of Tesla, they left a lot to be desired, especially the lame and dorky-looking Toyota Prius.

On the other hand, you have stuff like the Tesla Roadster and the Model S. The Model S Plaid comes in at a whopping 1,020 horsepower and can launch you from zero to sixty in under 2 seconds. With a range of 300 miles and a top speed of 200 miles per hour. If you ever get the chance to take a ride in one of these things, go ahead and strap yourself in because you're about to sh*t your pants!