The Weather Channel Loves Showing How Scary the Florida Hurricane Will Be

In case you haven’t heard, Florida is about to be pummeled by a hurricane for the second time in recent memory.

By Braden Bjella

Published 4 months ago in Wtf

In case you haven’t heard, Florida is about to be pummeled by a hurricane for the second time in recent memory. As a result, officials and weathermen alike are begging people to please get out of Florida unless they’re looking to have a very watery death.

To show just how bad that death will be, the Weather Channel created a visualizer to demonstrate how high the water is going to get — and how screwed you’ll be if you decide to stay. While they’re clearly trying to warn people, it *does* seem like they’re having an unreasonably fun time doing so.

I gotta say, though, being in front of that greenscreen does look like kinda a good time.