'Weekend at Bernies': Woman Wheels Corpse into Bank and Attempts to Have Him Sign Off on a Loan

Weekend at Bernies?

By Peter Pizagalli

Published 10 months ago in Funny

Just when you thought you'd seen it all the world goes and proves you wrong.  I don't have words for this one. It's just one of the stories that I assume comes from Florida though I guess something like this could happen anywhere, it feels like a Florida thing. It happened in Brazil, which is the Florida of South America. 

And as the headline says, this woman brought in a dead person to a bank and tried to have them sign off on a loan for her. The people working behind the counter were clearly suspicious and later called the police on the woman in question. 

Word to the wise, if you're trying to pass off a dead guy as living, t least put some sunglasses on him, smh.