V-8 Powered Wood Splitter Of Death
- This guy's Darwin Award should arrive in the mail any...
Media videos
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Canadian Black Friday
- This is footage of the crazy rush in Canada in 2012.
Fire Truck Arrival Fail
- Theres no time for brakes, park the truck in that...
Kid Loopy After Wisdom Teeth Surgery
- I guess we can assume these are some very good...
Amazing Spinning Ice Disk
- Why is this giant ice disk spinning like a turntable...
Wayback WHENsday: Crazy Turkey Lady
- Classic: Don't try and get between this woman and her...
Man Says Abandoned Homes Are Free
- A family's home is taken from them while they were out...
Grandma Wants Some Booty - Prank
- A lil ole lady asks random strangers for sex.
How To Fight A Baby
- He's lucky that baby didn't go berserk and send him to...
Parachute Bag Bounce Landing Fail
- His body got some air, but his neck got some ground as...
Strip Club's Special Lap Dance Deal...
- A "ballsy" marketing move by the management?
Drunk Bears Fans Race, Street Light Wins
- Fans engage in a sidewalk footrace, and it doesn't end...
Aaron Paul Trolls His Friend
- Jesse from Breaking Bad came up with a brilliant plan...
Jimmy Kimmel Cooks With Strangers
- Jimmy Kimmel and Mario Batali cook for strangers...
Guy Destroys TV After Losing In FIFA
- Everyone hates losing but this guy freaks out!
Ram Screams Like A Human
- Just auditioning for his local scream-o band.
Rabbit Trap To The Face
- He thought he could get away fast enough... He was...
Chucky Bus Stop Ad Prank
- I bet some of these people need a change of...
Rob Ford And Chris Farley Video Mash Up
- Comparing Toronto Mayor Rob Ford to the many...
Terrible Racism On Holland's Got Talent
- He pulls off an amazing performance despite the racism...
50 Weirdest Things In All 50 States
- Do you know what weirdness lurks in your own back yard?
Father Arrested For Taking Kids From School
- A resource officer won't let a Dad pick his kids up...
Name Something You Know About Zombies
- As always, Steve Harvey's reaction to the answer is...
Cute Girl's Monster Burp
- This burpstress unleashes a sound that only a truck...
Lost Item At Baggage Claim
- So who is going to claim it?
Fireworks Italian Style
- This must be what being in a warzone looks like.
State Cop Shoots At Minivan Full Of Kids
- Officers are under investigation after a traffic stop...
Genius Puts His Head Through A Table
- After his success, his friend flips him over and...
Unsolved Mysteries You Never Heard Of
- Is it weird in here, or is it just me? An who eats...
Tree Nearly Crushes Woman
- I'm sure the Umbrella would have helped!
Rob Ford Has Plenty To Eat
- The Toronto mayor's response to a question about...
Obama Secretly Plans To Sell Your Rights
- TPP would allow private corporations to control the US...
WayBack WHENsday: How Is Babby Formed?
- Classic: How is babby formed, how girl get pregnant?
Dolphin Masturbates With Dead Fish (NSFW)
- Taking your kids to the aquarium may teach them some...
Science for Idiots: Firecracker Vs Fridge
- A "clever" idea leaves this genius blown away...
Elderly White Couple Tries To Rap
- They actually pull it off. Old people rapping about...
W.T.F. New Marlboro Commercial
- Is this really how Marlboro is advertising their...
Paintball To The Lips At Point Blank Range
- Kid lets a friend shoot him in the lips with a pump...
Another Very Bad Driver
- More proof that some people just don't belong behind...
Pepsi Bottle Explodes In Kid's Face
- 2 liters of face full of plastic!
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