Woman Gets Hallucinations and Hives From Weird Online...
- Be careful what you buy online, this woman was...
Media videos
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Crackhead Girlfriend Gets Told Off In The Street
- A lover's quarrel on the streets of the Bronx, New...
Overly Aggressive Cop Grabs Woman's Phone and Smashes...
- I wonder what she did that made him so upset?
Fox News Is Trying To Turn The Las Vegas Shooting Into...
- Fox news is at it again giving the people fair and...
Cheapskate Uses Hot Tub For Everything, Stores Clothes...
- This guy is taking being a cheapskate to a whole new...
Idiots Using Two Forklifts To Lift A Washer Into An...
- These guys are beyond stupid.
Florida Doctor Assaults Woman, Kicks Her Out Of the...
- A Florida doctor seized a woman’s phone after she...
Rick And Morty Fans Are Out Of Control
- I bet half of these crazy fans never even heard of...
Raiders Fan Talking Shit Tries To Fight Offensive...
- Heckling Raiders fans stood alongside where the...
This is a Dollar, Not A Bank Card...
- A confused man tries to pay using the card machine,...
Would You Go Swimming With This Giant Crocosaurus?
- Damn Australia, you crazy!
Drunk Little Kid Talking Smack To People In Their Cars
- Somebody get his ass to school.
Good Guy Police Officer Gives Man A Free Prostate Exam
- At least buy him dinner first man, damn.
Cellphone Video Catches Woman Fleeing A Hit And Run
- After hitting two cars this woman didn't feel like...
Crazy Looking Sea Monster Seen Crawling Out Of The Sand
- What the hell is that thing?
Girlfriend Gives Cheating Boyfriend One Last Gift
- Looks like her car sustained some damage as well.
Indiana Police Shoot At An Actor Filming A Movie Scene
- "We're filming a movie!" Is the last thing a cop wants...
Uber Driver Kicks Entire Party Out Of His Car After...
- Someone says white privilege several times while...
Japanese Guy Picks Out His Pubes And Sprinkles Them In...
- This is so strange.
Train Plows Through Flooded Station Soaking Everyone...
- Free baths down at the train station ya'll!
Hasidic Jews Censor A Inappropriate Movie On An...
- I guess they didn't like the film very much.
Cobra Drinks Water Out Of Water Bottle
- There's no way most of us would put our hand this...
10 Super Dangerous Internet Challenges People Actually...
- Going viral sounds tempting, but some people really...
Rich Piana Punches A Karate Expert
- A young Rich Piana and friends take turns punching a...
Jared Fogle Audio Tapes Reveals His Tactics For...
- Audio tapes show Jared Fogel's tactics and desire to...
Man Goes Slap Happy After Discovering The Power of the...
- The slappening, part 2.
Russian Helicopter Accidentally Fires Rockets at...
- Reports are saying two people, (most likely...
Clear Evidence That Tennessee Gas Station Is Stealing...
- A gas pump at a large local chain In Maryville,...
Guy Accidently KO's Girl With A Case Of Beer
- That beer literally went straight to her head!
Guy Tosses A Grenade In A Neighborhood Store
- This is horrifying, it could happen anywhere.
Be Careful Where You Buy Your Produce...
- A WTF moment as a woman appears to bathe in the...
Poor Guy Bought A House In The Virgin Islands 5 Days...
- Imagine buying your dream home just to have it ripped...
Japanese Game Show Contestants Try To Pronounce...
- And when they get it wrong, everyone gets spanked by a...
To Catch A Cheater But This Time Played In Reverse
- Is this artistic or just plain confusing? Im not quite...
PewDiePie Said The N-Word During A Live Stream While...
- **Warning: Language** The face of YouTube has yet...
Drake's Security Team Illegally Block Traffic and...
- Seems more like a dick measuring contest to me.
Florida Man Plans To Tie Himself To A Pole During...
- Good things he has his arm floaties!
YouTuber Believes CNN Faked A Video Of Them Rescuing A...
- This has proven to be FALSE. There are two men seen...
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