Moments A Huge Sink Whole Opens Up In A Backyard
- Instant built in swimming pool?
Media videos
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Insane Woman Attacks Bratty Man-Child Riding His Moped...
Five Of The Creepiest Pieces Of Found Footage
- Some chilling videos that were never meant to be seen.
College Student Claims TSA Agent Touched Her Private...
- Is this just a necessity in today's world, or did this...
Heavily Armed Gangbangers Declare War On Donald Trump
- Guns and threats aside, saying to spoke to ISIS was...
Awesome Organ Donor PSA About The World's Biggest...
- Coleman Sweeney is an asshole, but . . .
Pissed Off Veteran Threatens Kids Playing Pokemon Go...
- Pokemon craze going as planned!
When You Accidentally Pull Up On A Gunfight
- Just driving through the streets of Boston, when . . .
Jail Humiliates Defendant by Bringing Her to Court...
- The Judge is upset and calls the jail to find out what...
When You Realize You're About To Miss Your Exit
- Well he almost made it... kind of.
Festival Goer Appears to Break Ankle and Just Walks...
- With that much booze in you the pain just goes away.
Woman Feels Persecuted Because She's Attractive
- At least she is entertaining the people during their...
Drunk Girl Fights Gravity And Totally Loses
- Strong wind or an imaginary hill?
Rapper Who Shot Himself In The Face Releases A Music...
- This idiot became famous last week for shooting...
Fatty Kung-Fu Guy With A Knife Is Real Gangsta
- Don't want to mess with this guy...
Reporter Discovers The Skater Cracks Mclaren...
- Some investigative journalism discovers the truth.
Marijuana Found in Colorado Town's Water Supply
- In other news, Dorito and Taco Bell sales at an all...
Idiot Shoots Himself In The Face For Social Media
- Not sure if this was a bet, a dare, or just a lunatic...
Satanist Opens City Council Meeting and....Just Watch
- David Suhor from the Satanic Temple delivered a unique...
Drunk Guy Fed Up With The News Breaks Up A Live Street...
- How I feel about the news sometimes myself.
Horrifying Video Of A Little Girl "Playing" With Her...
- This is just so hard to watch. Where is CPS when you...
Breaking: Raw Footage Of The Gunman In Munich Germany
- Happening now. **Warning: Disturbing Content**
DMCA - Why You DON'T Cross The Street On Your Bike In...
- Well that escalated quickly.
Therapist Assisting Patient Shot by Police While...
- There is no excuse for this. The officer should be...
Disrespectful Lunatic Flips Out In a McDonald's
- Drunks love their fast food.
Make America Fear Again
- What the real message behind the RNC is.
DMCA - Wild Boar Suddenly Emerges From The Ocean
- Chaos at the beach as a wild hog runs loose!
The Fastest Robbery in the World
- Don't blink or you will miss it!
MMA Fighter Throws Pokeball At Knocked Out Opponent
- Pokemon fever is fully upon us all.
BREAKING: 3 Police Killed in Baton Rouge, 7 Wounded
- Here is a video a man driving from church shot from...
Incoming, Incoming, Incoming!
- The Army's Counter-Rocket, Artillery, Mortar (C-RAM)...
Compassionate Dog Tries To Bring Fish Out Of Water...
- When the world seems dark there is always goodness to...
Wild Kick Boxing Match Gets Way Out of Hand
- Well that escalated quickly. Watch this match turn...
Brazilian Man Tries To Extinguish The Olympic Torch
- Brazil doesn't seem too excited about the summer games.
A Batch Of Bad Synthetic Weed Turns Brooklyn Into...
- Five bodegas were raided after 33 people were sent to...
Shrek's Albino Brother Reminds Us To Enjoy The Little...
- Actually, he looks like a shrek-sized Verne Troyer.
DMCA - Woman Captures The Instant Her Apartment...
- She noticed a crack in her ceiling a few days ago...
Woman Sleeps On Couch In Wrong Apartment And Refuses...
- "We're calling the cops!"
MMA Fighter Yells At Mom During Fight
- Mom shut up!
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