Charlie Improvised the "Paddy's Pub" Song and We Can't...
- Behind the scenes footage of Charlie Day improvising...
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21 Outlandish Lost Items Uber Drivers Found in the...
- This stuff is pretty weird.
Flashback to This Legend and His Cure for the Common...
- I enjoy a good bowl of chili. Much like the kid in...
Orca Slaps the Ever-Loving S**t Out of a Sting Ray
- We don't know what that stingray did to piss off that...
34 WTF Pics to Activate Your OCD
- They might also hunt You, but we can't guarantee it.
Mankind Condensed Into 11 Seconds
- You have to appreciate her dedication to the gram --...
Jake Paul Held a Golf Cart Race Through a Protected...
- Because sometimes you just gotta race a golf cart...
41 Times Instagram Rich Kids Sat on a Throne of Cringe
- I know they say 'If you got it, flaunt it,' but these...
29 Idiots Who Tried to Sound Smart
- The world is full of stupid people.
35 Texts That Went Poorly
- They really got flipped upside-down.
31 People Share the Biggest Secret They've Kept from...
- We all have secrets. Things that happened to us, or...
28 WTF Pics That Require Explanation
- That's gonna be a big 'NOPE' on our end.
TikTok Lunacy Reaches Apex as Chlorophyll Water...
- Chlorophyll cures acne, obesity and body odor while...
32 Design Fails Straight Outta Nightmare Town
- Why would you do that?
4 Movies That Are Actually Propaganda (Star Wars, Top...
- For as long as there has been a film industry,...
33 People Admit The One Question That Broke Them
- Some real eye-openers.
Stoner Sets Himself Ablaze While Trying to Be Discreet...
- That must be some pretty good jazz tobacco because he...
Dude Poses as Student, Pitches Unforgettable...
- This dude drew up a mascot to replace a school's...
Looks like Robot Strippers Are Here to Stay
- Think about it. That robot is somebody's daughter.
Pilot Takes a Shortcut to the Hanger after Landing and...
- Don't worry, the pilot is alive and the accident...
30 Ridiculous Ways Restaurants Served Food
- What were they thinking?
The Entire Saw Timeline Explained for the Viewers
- The entire Saw movie timeline explained in one...
Someone Is Getting Fired after Lava Spill, No Pun...
- The floor is lava, but make it real. Someone is in for...
Hockey Fan Removes Prosthetic Leg after Goal Because...
- Hockey fans are a different breed. I can only imagine...
Paul Dano Riddler Is Something Out of an S&M Video
- Paul Dano looks pretty creepy in the latest promo...
Experience Hell On Earth As Child Screams On an...
- During an 8 hour flight from Germany to Newark, this...
Met's Batter Kevin Pillar Takes a 94 Mph Fastball to...
- Mets' Kevin Pillar was hit in face by 94 mph fastball...
A Deep Dive Into the Bizarre "Lake City Quiet Pills"...
- YouTuber "Barely Sociable" dives into "Lake City Quiet...
Randy Johnson Threw a Perfect Game 17 Years Ago, but...
- Yeah, the guy pitched a perfect game. But what's more...
25 DIY Repairs That Would Make MacGyver Proud
- These rigs are questionable at best, but that doesn't...
Students Run For Their Lives As Microburst Blows the...
- Three students in North Carolina were hospitalized ...
23 People Who Technically Aren't Wrong
- Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the day and...
37 WTF Things Being Sold On Wish.com
- The internet has no shortage of sketchy websites,...
A Cautionary Reminder that Automobile Tires Can...
- Imagine filling your truck tire and Kaboom, you no...
30 Awkward Moments From People's Weddings
- These weddings got awkward AF for a variety of reasons.
34 Lying People Getting Called Out Online
- You sit on a throne of lies!
Wizard Of Oz Was Fueled By Meth And Everybody Hating...
- Jordan Breeding of Cracked and Karl Smallwood of Fact...
Truck Passenger Yeets Himself Out of the Window a...
- This truck driver struggles to control his big rig and...
The Bizarre Downfall of UFC Veteran Diego Sanchez
- Diego Sanchez, the longest-active UFC fighter in...
21 Love/Hate Memes for Shopping at GameStop
- It truly is a toxic relationship that we have with...
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