Husband of the Year Award Not Going to Guy Who Got His...
- They sure don't make wives like they used to, huh?
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23 Pics Filled With To the Brim With Dumb
- Dumb stuff to make you facepalm.
Elderly TikTok Is the One and Only Good Kind of TikTok
- The one demographic TikTok tried to escape may be...
People Share The Terrible Truths They Wish They Never...
- Sometimes in life, it's best to remain ignorantly...
18 Pics of the Most Insane House You Will Ever See
- Comes with a room full of sand, nuclear command...
Drunk Woman Exemplifies How Many Americans Will Return...
- Some folks are ready to go out and catch that virus...
23 Insane Posts Found On Social Media
- People who might be out of their minds.
Top 20 Reactions to Chuck E. Cheese Scamming People...
- People arguing about Chuck E. Cheese will never not be...
Reddit Obliterates Entitled Dog 'Owner'
- The sense of entitlement here is off the charts.
30 Disturbing Facts Most People Don't Know About
- The world is much more sick and twisted than you know!
20 Industries That Aren't as Innocent as They Appear
- Reddit recently asked users to reveal the shady side...
25 Funny Memes About Elon Musk's Newest Spawn, X-Æ...
- Memes on the unorthodox name given to Elon Musk's new...
22 Quick Memes and Randoms to Keep Us Busy
- Random Images From The World Wide Web.....
A.I. Generated AC/DC Song "Great Balls" Is Internet...
- "She got, great balls! And big balls! Too many women...
25 Random Images to Amuse Yourself With
- Rare imagery salvaged from all around the world wide...
30 Images That Really Didn't Age Well
- These seem ridiculous in our current time.
TikTok "Genius" Spills Cereal All Over NYC Subway
- He claims it was an accident. "It's just a prank bro"...
Entitled Princess Gets Trashed for Greedy Engagement...
- Three engagement rings? This woman sounds like a total...
Woman Fleeing in Stolen Truck Intentionally Rams...
- Newly released dashcam and body camera footage from...
30 Crazy Neighbors Who Need to Leave Immediately
- These people are truly the worst neighbors on the...
Runaway Wino Siphoning Wine from a Moving Truck Is...
- Wine moms can also be thirsty dudes in their underwear.
"Rick and Morty" Sept. 11/Pearl Harbor Joke May Have...
- This joke is straight up playing with fire.
27 Pics That Prove People Don't Age Like They Used to
- People used to look older when they were younger.
45 Dark Humor Memes to Lift Your Spirits
- The world's a dark place, so let's make it even darker.
Twitter Can't Believe the Audacity of This Male Karen
- Twitter is great at finding the worst things on the...
Insane Parents Who Shouldn't Have Children
- Moms and Dads acting worse than the kids.
Chinese Cliff Swing Looks like Pure Death
- This swing is 300+ feet tall and yeets you out over a...
Top 25 Randomest Memes From All Across the Web
- Random Images From The World Wide Web.....
Car Thief Steals Dominos Delivery Driver's Car and...
- A delivery driver for Dominos Pizza forgot to lock the...
How 'Plandemic' is Fake in 12 GIFs
- Fake news is ever present.
14 Crazy Stories From Groupies Who Slept With Their...
- Sleeping with a famous rock star is something many...
9 Famous Photos With Twisted Backstories
- Photos before or during horrible events.
23 Gifs of People Who Screwed up Big Time
- Some extremely painful and epic fails, presented in...
21 Pregnant Ladies Who Make Us Worried For The Future
- When you're pregnant and already the worst parent...
Man Uses Tan Injections to Change His Race
- Nuka Zeus is injecting himself with tanner (Melanotan)...
30 Funny and Bizarre People Seen on Dating Apps
- The dating world is often a confusing and frustrating...
MGK Listens to His Neighbors Rip on Him after...
- Rapper Machine Gun Kelly listens as his neighbors talk...
11 Most Intense Photos from Michigan Lockdown Protest
- After the Operation Gridlock protest earlier this...
Guy Accidentally Reveals Cousin-Banging Friend's...
- That's a shame that can never be lived down.
Britney Spears Sounds like She's Crying While...
- Did she really burn down an entire gym with just two...
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