19 Times Expectations Were Crushed By a Harsh Reality
- Reality is often disappointing, so why not spend some...
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25 Random and Confusing Images
- Random images from the world wide web that are ideal...
13 People Share the Non-Sexual Fantasies They Have
- Some people just want some simple things.
Chicago Man Coughed in Cops’ Faces and Said He Had...
- He doesn't have COVID-19 but he's still very sick
Girl Cries Over Her Ex After She Was Caught Cheating...
- Sorry hunny, but that ship has sailed. *Warning:...
Toilet Paper Hoarders Get Shamed For Buying Out the...
- The store which allowed these people to do this should...
11 Strange Sexual Requests From People Who've Been...
- People are into some real kinky shit man, wow.
This is "How Serious" Some Australians are Taking...
- Despite restrictions on outdoor gatherings due to the...
KFC Orders Managers To Reopen Lobbies During Pandemic
- Sure there's a viral outbreak flooding the country,...
Pervy Landlord Tries Offering Reduced Rent in Exchange...
- This poor lady thought she found the perfect place,...
Empty Shelves Leave UK Nurse Unable to Buy Food After...
- This is absolutely disgusting, and a great reminder of...
Coronavirus Outbreak: Miami Spring Breakers Vow to...
- Thousands of partying American university students who...
NYPD Officer Caught Apparently Planting Marijuana in a...
- This officer has already been investigated for...
25 People Who Don't Know How To Panic Buy
- Some people know that you need non-perishable goods to...
Dude Uses Math to Show How Long Each State Has Before...
- A graduate student in mathematics tries to figure out...
Floridians Are Pretty Bad at This Whole "Social...
- Clearly, coronavirus concerns are pretty low amongst...
24 Pics That Prove People Aren't That Smart
- It seems that stupidity is at an all time high, so for...
Toilet Paper Is So Hot Right Now
- It's rather silly really, but you've gotta have...
30 Cringe Lords Who Should be Banned From the Internet
- They might be more fedora than man.
Guy Takes His $3 Million Dollar Lamborghini To Carmax...
- I think Carmax may be taking a few business practices...
35 Wrong Number Texts That Raise a Lot of Questions
- Make sure you double-check before sending that text.
23 Random Facts that may Help You Win Trivia Night
- Odd, interesting, and some kinda creepy facts about...
Russia's Entry to the Eurovision 2020 Song Contest is...
- Yes, this is in fact the same Russian group who went...
Times Weddings Brought Out the Worst in People (25...
- They just couldn't handle it.
Moron Nearly Kills His Girlfriend then Asks if She'll...
- Hopefully she is just saying yes so she can get the...
Armed Robber Has a Change of Heart After Realizing How...
- When Luke Jones put the gun in her face she began to...
Celebrity Mash-Ups Absolutely Nobody Asked For
- It's gonna be REALLY hard to unsee some of these.
CDC, White House Give Conflicting Messages About...
- Nothing to see here, everything is TOTALLY FINE.
Two Cops Confiscate a Man's Phone and Accidentally...
- In a scene straight out of "World's Dumbest Criminals,...
Former Warren Staffers Apologize For Controversial...
- Two former Warren staffers have issued public...
Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks Records Himself Berating...
- Cenk Uygur loses his cool on these poor airport...
Security Stops Woman Allegedly Making a Bomb in Walmart
- No surprise, it happened in Florida.
This Woman's Mom Had a Strange Encounter With OJ...
- When the corona virus has a higher chance of killing...
Bystander Hit Head On By Dumbass Showing Off at Car...
- This crazy driver showing off to a crowd of people has...
Woman Freaking Out Thinks She's Above the Law and Gets...
- She quickly finds out the she is not above the law,...
Stemen the Semen Stabber Pokes Woman with Syringe Full...
- Anne Arundel County Police said semen was found inside...
Super Entitled People Who Need a Reality Check (17...
- They need to be slapped back into reality.
Joe Rogan Falls in Love with His Hot Guest and Things...
- A funny supercut / parody video that has Joe Roganall...
19 WTF Posts from Insane People Seen on the Internet
- Where do these people come from?
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