Fortnite Streamer Arrested After Abusing His Pregnant...
- Australian Streamer, MrDeadMoth, was caught on stream...
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Insane Woman Covers Herself In Peanut Butter At Bus...
- She's trying to get to where she's going in a jiffy.
Johnny Knoxville Shoots Himself In The Chest
- Knoxville straps on a bullet-proof vest and goes out...
Drunk Twitch Streamer Goes Driving and Not...
- Don't drink and drive people.
Spooked Horse Takes Helpless Passengers on a...
- A normal day in a BC, Canada park became exciting fast.
34 Batshit Crazy People Who Need To Get Off Facebook
- Some racists, some anti-vaxxers, so just plan insane...
Man Offering Free Table and Chairs Almost Instantly...
- I guess some beggars can be choosers.
Crazy Bride Flips Out That Someone Took A Screenshot...
- This woman truly lives up to the name Bridezilla by...
Deranged Teacher Arrested After Cutting Students' Hair...
- Margaret Gieszinger, a Visalia, CA teacher was...
39 Pictures The World Need An Explanation For
- There are some real strange people out there.
25 Trashy People Giving Humanity A Bad Name
- These people need off this planet.
Guy Asks a Stranger When the Last Time He Pooped His...
- This hero describes the one and only time he ever...
47 Things That Got Lost In Translation
- These missed the mark.
43 Super Random Pics From The Ends of the Interwebz
- A collection of unrelated awesomeness.
34 WTF Thrift Store Finds That Will Upset Your Stomach
- One man's weird af treasure is another man's... even...
Man Records Footage Of His Plane Engine Failing
- Frontier flight 260 from Vegas to Tampa experience...
The City of Naypyidaw in Myanmar is 6 Times the Size...
- A city massive city that is basically a ghost town. ...
Girl Describes The Time She Faked Her Own Death To Get...
- Twitter user @maddzcat describes why her parents hate...
The World's First Robotic BJ Sex Toy Hits the Market...
- Set to hit the shelves in March 2019 after crushing...
20 Life Changing Life Hacks
- Hacks that surprisingly work.
Playboy Model Doing Laundry Gets Sexually Assaulted by...
- In footage caught on the hotel’s surveillance...
24 Texts Shutting Down Thirsty Exes
- No one wants it to go down like this. But we've all...
80-Year-Old Man Confesses to Killing 90 in the 70s
- Samuel Little is being held in a Texas prison....
Guy Who Finds This Unresponsive Dude Asks, "Are You...
- A dude in St. Louis, Missouri, came upon this passed...
30 Times People Tried To Play The Victim and Got Owned
- Sometimes people make it hard to be nice.
Man Barely Survives Terrifying House Explosion as Seen...
- A house in St. Paul, Minnesota explodes.
Racist Woman Says "You Will Be Wiped Out, Trust Me"
- A racial rant by a woman happened at a restaurant in...
29 People Who Know The Struggle
- People who tried and subsequently failed.
37 Great Pics That Will Improve Your Mood
- A selection of random images from the world wide web.
Dog Owner Gets Hungry During Competition and Has a...
- You son of a b**ch, that was for the good boy!
Video Showing Black Friday Madness Will Both Amaze and...
- This video from a Walmart in Bayou Vista, Louisiana...
Mini-Horse Loving Florida Man Confesses To Multiple...
- It all began with helping his Uncle Jack.
25 Pictures That Will Make You Eat a Bowl of WTF
- Evidence that the human race should not have made it...
34 People Ruining Public Transportation For The Rest...
- Anything goes on the subway.
Taco Bell is Testing Out a 'Tripleupa' That Looks Like...
- This weird af taco trio will be available from...
Shady Tow Truck Company Refuses To Let Customers Off...
- Breakthrough towing uses spotters and waits for...
Mumbling Junkie Shows up at Guy's Door and Things Get...
- A mumbling man came to this guy's door in Australia...
18 Interesting Historical Tidbits to Fill That Hole in...
- These are some lesser known facts that are a little...
WTF There's a Camel on the Highway During a Snowstorm...
- It was shot on route 309 near Souderton, Pennsylvania....
30 Ways To Die From Electrocution From a 1931 Book
- times were sure different back then
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