Honest Reactions to 'Population: One' Virtual Reality Battle Royale

By BMooreWriting

Published 4 years ago in Ftw

Pretending to shoot people in your own living room has never felt better.

blindfold guy shooting a gun playing video games vr population one

Here's a Borat joke for you: There aren’t enough battle royale games in the world.


Still, BigBoxVR has made the first virtual reality BR shooter, Population: One, available on the Steam or Oculus store for $30.

Population: One forces players into squads of three and pits them against teams to duke it out. They can also glide around and pump bullets into their opponents like some sort of Rambo flying squirrel.

Players can build structures to hide behind and climb on just like in Fortnite, and a lot of the criticism has been that the game feels like a poor VR adaptation of Fortnite.

A lot of players have found enjoyment in the game, especially with the novelty of being able to feel like you're actually camping on fools just around the corner. The novelty of moving your head to look around and aiming your weapons separately is legitimately cool.

if you die to fall damage in vr do you die to fall damage in real life? population one vr battle royale game

it's a whole other level when you're baked enjoy it brother - population one vr battle royale game

kicked out my lame son threw out his furniture shampooed the carpet took the opportunity to have a huge play space for population one - population one vr battle royale game

Others, however, found their enjoyment in cracking jokes. Critics also claim the game is buggy and are leery of giving more of their data to Facebook (which owns Oculus).

no fuck oculus and fuck facebook it's the only reason I'm avoiding this game. I really wish I could play it though - population one vr battle royale game

the gun mechanics are so abysmally bad that they kill any enjoyment that I might otherwise have from this game - population one vr battle royale game

it looks like the typical janky multiplayer vr game that vr subreddits routinely get a hard on for. seems prudent to wait for a few months before even thinking about dipping your toes into this - population one vr battle royale game

you sir are correct. people will see the price tag and shit graphics and run away. 6 months and the game is dead - population one vr battle royale game

and with that I'm out. refuse to support any full priced game with microtransactions. - population one vr battle royale game

least splatoon has the unique artstyle and music population one has literally nothing besides it being vr from the looks of it. - population one vr battle royale game

The $30 price tag isn’t awful, but the game is catching a lot of flack for pumping in microtransactions without telling anyone. We'll have to see how this fares in the long run.

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