Obama In A Demonic Headdress Conspiracy NOT Debunked?
- The other week we wrote about this theory and maybe we...
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25 Oddly Disturbing Pictures From History
- Freak shows and oddities from the vault of history.
22 Disturbing Facts That Will Creep You Out
- A collection of facts that range from morbid to WTF.
30 Unsettling Facts About the Mysterious Death of...
- The six-year-old beauty queen's mysterious murder has...
What Happens to Your Corpse When You Donate Your Body...
- It might not go the way you thought.
This Pizza Entered the Void
- Pizza is the most loved of all human creations and...
25 Extremely WTF Pics From History
- From the stranger side of history.
22 WTF Facts Sure To Creep You Out
- Sometimes ignorance is bliss after all.
Self Proclaimed Fitness Expert Tries to Body Shame a...
- Simple butt pic turns into a trainwreck of a...
Woman Finds Unexpected Freak of Nature
- This looks like the beginning of a horror movie.
Watch a Hercules Beetle Metamorphose Before Your Eyes
- The Hercules beetle is one of the largest flying...
Terrifying Footage of Total Creep Stalking a Car,...
- From the driver: "At approximately 1:08 AM I was...
Harsh Scenes from Life Inside Russia’s Toughest...
- This is definitely a place you don't want to end up.
22 Creepy Facts That Will Chill You To The Bone
- Don't read these before going to bed.
Brooklyn Mom Gets Turnt on Fellow Subway Passenger
- This mom don't take no shit sitting down.
16 Vintage Photos That Are Just Plain Disturbing
- An odd collection of black and white photos that will...
29 Disturbing Facts That Will Leave You Feeling...
- An interesting collection of creepy and WTF facts.
Iron Pot Found In A 300 Million Year Old Mine
- This has to be the oldest pot in the history of the...
Proof That Tumblr Is A Cringe Fest That Should Be...
- What deranged minds made this?
24 Creepy Pictures From History
- Damn, history, you crazy.
22 Chilling Facts That Will Creep You Out
- Interesting facts that are kinda cool but definitely...
Alexa Recorded a Family's Conversation and Randomly...
- A random contact of the family received a recorded...
25 Shocking Pictures From History
- Strange, creepy and wtf from the vault of history.
Allow This Total F*cking Zombie to Scare Your Kids...
- This person on spice is a good example of of why not...
25 Oddly Disturbing Pictures From History
- Strange pictures from the vault of history.
21 Disturbing Pics and Drawings That Will Creep The...
- Pics that will come back to haunt you when the lights...
22 Strange Facts That Will Leave You Disturbed
- Bizarre and strange things that you probably didn't...
Terrified Security Guard Working Alone Films An Eerie...
- A security guard keeping watch over an empty soccer...
18 Creepy Reasons Australia is a Test of Bravery
- Maybe it's best to love Australia from afar.
14 Pictures from the Darker Side of Life
- The world isn't all popsicles and unicorns.
25 Unbelievably Cruel Torture Devices That Were...
- In honor of Gina Haspel's nomination, check out these...
7th Heaven Dad Stephen Collins Confesses That He...
- In an Interview with Katie Couric, the once beloved...
Meet The Deadliest Living Creature on the Planet Earth
- The Bacteriophage is basically nature's ultimate...
22 Bone Chilling Facts To Keep You Up At Night
- Make sure you don't read these before bed.
Suspect Who Died in Custody Has Their Ashes Thrown on...
- The aunt of Wakiesha Wilson, a woman who died while in...
6 Sea Monsters You Should Be Glad Are Extinct
- These beasts are made of nightmares.
31 Single Russians Looking for Love
- The ultimate weirdest of Russia's dating sites.
11 Creepy Stories Kids Have Told Their Parents
- Kids say the darnest and damn near creepiest things...
Corrections Officer Charged With Sexual Assault After...
- A prison official gets busted because of his "stinky,...
Photographs Taken of the Aftermath of the Fukushima...
- Scenes from the empty streets of Fukushima 7 years...
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