22 Creepy Facts That Will Leave You Disturbed
- A collection of WTF facts that are both sad and...
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Sister Discovers Her Brother is a Furry and Does Not...
- A concerned sister finds evidence of a furry lifestyle...
19 Vintage Beauty Devices That Will Give You The Creeps
- Looking pretty isn't easy, especially back in the 20's.
How To Get Him To Stop Playing Video Games
- Does your man constantly ignore you? Here is one way...
20 Crazy Facts About Space That Will Keep You Grounded
- There is more than enough on Earth to worry about let...
46 Creepy Facts That Will Leave You Shook
- Weird and creepy facts you might be better off not...
Forest Ranger Discovers Mysterious Cabin In The Woods...
- A well constructed shelter stocked with food, spices,...
8 of The Creepiest Historical Facts That Will Chill...
- We don't recommend reading these tidbits from...
Boston Dynamics Robots Using Teamwork Is Slightly...
- The robots are coming for us, and now they can open...
22 Disturbing Facts That Will Leave You Creeped Out
- A collection of weird and creepy things you might not...
Quentin Tarantino Sparks Outrage With Idiotic Comments...
- A quote from a Howard Stern interview has the internet...
The Mysterious Death of Actress Natalie Wood is Being...
- Police have reopened the case into Natalie Wood's...
19 Pics That Will Give You The Chills
- Unsettling pics that will give you chills that are...
21 Creepy Facts That Will Disturb You To The Core
- Nothing like some WTF facts to make you stop and...
Guy Lifts Up A Mattress and Makes A Horrific Discovery
- The downside of short-term rentals in a big city...
19 Creepy And Disturbing Facts That Will Haunt Your...
- A collection of bizarre and interesting things that...
Two Guys Fishing Find Themselves on the Wrong End of a...
- While out fishing one afternoon these two guys have a...
Barney the Dinosaur Now Runs a Tantric Sex Business
- Since 2004, former Barney actor David Joyner has been...
Horney Douchebag Gets Hilariously Trolled on Tinder
- He tried to get straight to the point but ended up...
27 Disturbing Things That Will Chill You To The Bone
- Our world can be a weird and terrifying place at times.
25 Scary Government Secrets That Have Been Declassified
- From government secrets to downright lies, some of...
34 Pics to Make You Close Your Laptop and Walk Away
- This gallery is a whole bag of NOPE with your name on...
Additional Disturbing Details of the Turpins Surface...
- The couple charged with torturing their 13 children...
Eagles Fans Are Buying Up All of These Nightmarish Dog...
- A notoriously rowdy fan base is going anonymous, and...
22 Crazy Facts That You Won't Believe
- Weird and crazy facts that are hard to believe.
Woman Responds to a Question and Shares a Truly...
- What is the creepiest thing that ever happened to you?
Is There Anything More Powerful Than The Hydrogen Bomb?
- A bit of science to entertain your brain!
Guy Exploring An Abandoned Mine Hears THE Creepiest...
- He stayed much much longer than I would have after...
YouTube Creep Shane Dawson On Tape Sexualizing A...
- Taken from Shane's podcast series this clip is pretty...
Creepy Guy Makes a Fan Video of a Jeopardy Contestant
- I'll take what is a stalker, for $1000 Alex.
22 Facts That Range From Odd to Disturbing
- A collection of creepy facts to weird you out.
Girl Gives Her Boyfriend Call Of Duty, But It Comes At...
- He got the newest Call of Duty game for Christmas, but...
Youtube Star Logan Paul Just Ended His Career
- After finding a dead body in Japan's suicide forest...
Guy Narrowly Avoids Hooking Up With A Crazy Chick
- He just dodged a huge bullet, all because he had some...
Black Mirror's 'Happy New Year' Video Is Absolutely...
- The dystopian Netflix show Black Mirror, which is...
10 Disturbing Facts That'll Make You Mildly...
- They say knowledge is power, but who really wants all...
Muslim Boxer Amir Khan Receives Death Threats After...
- When did being a good Dad become an offense punishable...
Scientists Successfully Created A Human-Pig Hybrid
- A pig embryo was injected with human cells early in...
11 of the Scariest Things Captured By Drones
- Sometimes the world is full of NOPE!
Woman Gets Caught Trying To Steal From Best Buy Using...
- It doesn't go according to plan and she decides to...
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