Kids Being Downright Hilarious & Brutal
- Kids do say the darnedest things. And now we have it...
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Call Farmer Brown, Esports are Coming to Farming...
- This summer get ready for the pulse-pounding, high...
Brave Bike Cops Take Down Skateboard Riding Scum
- Redmond, PD took on a man on a skateboard.
McDonald's Drive-Thru Worker Calls Customer The N-Word
- An employee at a McDonald’s in Spring Hill, Florida,...
This Is Why Steph Curry Should Stick To Shooting Threes
- Stephen Curry from the Golden State Warriors...
Fox News Accidentally Posts Graphic Showing Ruth Bader...
- “Fox & Friends” apologized Monday after airing a...
31 Nightmare Neighbors That'd Make You Want to Move
- These idiots should live in the middle of nowhere.
These Cringey Dudes Want to Know if Their Moms are...
- A new strange trend of people chasing fake internet...
Driver Arrested After Crashing into Palm Tree, Fire...
- A man who was suspected to be intoxicated crashed into...
Ignorant Customer Refuses to Believe that Rice Won't...
- A corroded phone is not going to be fixed by grains....
Parent Needs Help Building a Computer and Suddenly...
- "Hey, I know absolutely nothing about building...
Truck Runs Down and Plows Over Three Pedestrians in...
- The Portland Police Bureau says it’s investigating...
Fake Police Siren Tricking Hotboxing Teens is a Funny...
- These dudes in Norridge, Illinois noticed a group of...
25 Beggars Who Are Choosing to be Jerks
- Some people have no self-awareness. People are so...
Baby in Car Seat Thrown out of a Moving Car in WTF...
- Well, that's one way to get rid of a baby...
17 People Who Didn't Know They Were Talking To The...
- It's always awkward when something like this happens,...
AZ Lawmaker Freaks Out Trying To Get Out of DUI
- Republican lawmaker David Cook tries desperately to...
Drunk Girl Has a Dead Fox in Her Trunk for the Worst...
- Early Saturday on December 29th, after the club, a...
This is What Happens When You're Too Large to Ride a...
- That poor horse.
Teen Does Bird Box Challenge While Driving and Crashes...
- LAYTON, Utah. 2019 is off with a dumb bang. Literally....
Man Wins 10 Million Dollar Lotto but His Roommate Wins...
- Northern California man stole a lottery scratcher...
Confused Barber Ruins Mans Haircut
- When a man in China showed his barber what kind of...
Hands-Free Burpee Challenge Looks Like Hostages...
- These two go-getters decided they should find out how...
Woman Charged After Bragging to a Game Warden on a...
- A female hunter thought it'd be a good idea to brag to...
Cell Phone Thief Attempts To Rob MMA Fighter Polyana...
- A Brazilian man quickly discovered he made a HUGE...
Fumbling Dude Realizes He's the A**Hole and...
- One dense boyfriend took to the internet to ask "Am I...
Instant Justice Strikes a Bike Thief Swift and True
- It must be nice for the officers to have crime come to...
21 People Who Clearly Didn't Get the Memo
- Get your foreheads ready for a fresh dose of facepalm...
It Looks Like Soulja Boy's Game Console Scam is Coming...
- Nintendo takes legal action against Soulja Boy for his...
Woman Finds Out That Sending 159,000 Texts Isn't Normal
- A Phoenix woman reportedly sent a man she met on a...
Instant Justice For Idiots Trying To Scam The Subway
- Running down a steep set of stairs is never a good...
34 Fails to Make You Feel Better About Yourself
- So you had a bad day...could be worse.
19 Human Red Flags That Will Put You Half Mast
- Girls who want everything but deserve nothing. These...
The Internet Roasts this 19 Year Old's Mugshot After...
- Internet users were shocked to learn this 40 year old...
Woman's Self Defense Technique is the Perfect Way to...
- I wonder if the other gunman ask the baby to put his...
Jake Paul and RiceGum Get Exposed
- H3H3 back at it again roasting fellow Youtubers. This...
Crazy Lady Tries To Pay Her Babysitter In Ice Cream
- She really lost her cool.
Woman Breaks down at McDonald's Because She Can't Get...
- This lady at a San Francisco area McDonald's goes...
Man Asks for Art Commission and the Convo Escalates...
- Artist gets asked to do commission but doesn't have...
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