15 Very Controversial Video Game Characters
Not every video game character is created equally. In fact, many are highly controversial to the point where fans can't agree on whether the character sucks or not. The following are the characters fans disagreed on the most, who sparked the greatest controversy in the community.
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Dante from the Devil May Cry remake remains a hot-button topic for fans. On one hand, some people, for whatever reason, like this edgy, dour portrayal of the typically energetic bad-ass from the first four games. However, many long-time Devil May Cry fans saw this black-haired reimagining of their hero as a slap-to-the-face. Even fans of the DMC remake admit they find this new Dante insufferable and try-hard. -
Since Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Legend of Zelda: Windwaker, fans have remained divided on Tingle, the weird little human who wishes he was a fairy. Some fans think he's an amusing enough character. Others are weirded out by him so much they'd rather not think about him. Others feel that his mini-quests detract from the greater game. Whatever your opinion on Tingle, you HAVE an opinion on him. -
Conker's Bad Fur Day is one of the raunchiest titles for the N64. Depending on your viewpoint, Conker is an amazing parody of the typical, child-friendly platformer or an edgy character without much personality outside of the edge. Even those who disliked Conker back in the day, however, have softened on him over the years. Of all the characters on this list, Conker might be the most well-liked controversial character -- and for pretty good reason. -
Metal Gear Solid 5 stepped into a hornet's nest of controversy with Quiet. Many fans believed Quiet to be an absurdly sexualized character due to her need to be naked all the time. Other fans saw her as a parody of the overly sexualized characters seen in video games. And some fans just liked seeing her in sensual poses with her belly exposed. Quiet seems tailor suited to create controversy among two polarized ends of the political spectrum. -
No Pokemon is as controversial as Jynx. Jynx is one of the original 150 Pokemon to be released in the original games. When the games first came out, many players saw her as a caricature of Black people -- specifically, in that it resembled the Minstrel Show Blackface. While fans were quick to point out she was actually a parody of the Ganguro fashion style, many more were quick to point out that Ganguro is arguably ALSO Blackface. As a result of the controversy, Jynx's black skin was turned purple. -
Abby from The Last of Us II has sparked so much controversy that her own voice actor received death threats. Everything about this character -- from her enlarged biceps to her same-gender love story -- seemed to anger a small but loud minority of fans. Making this controversy more difficult to disentangle, however, were the players who were legitimately bothered by some of the decisions Abby made in the game's final moments. Was the controversy surrounding Abby overblown by sexism and homophobia? Yes. Were there some people with legitimate complaints who were grouped in with the bigots? Also yes. -
Samus Aran from Metrod: The Other M remains an interpretation of the character so controversial it essentially put hte Metroid franchise on ice. Samus is known for being a strong, independent heroine capable of taking down countless alien legions. In Other M, however, she feels like a different human being, crippled by anxiety and unable to do anything without her commander giving her instruction to do so first. It felt like a sexist regression for the character. Fans took notice. -
Poison is one of the odd controversial characters whose controversy existed entirely in the back-end of the game rather than among audiences. Poison started life as a villain in Final Fight, but, when Final Fight was brought to America, translators feared that American audiences would reject any game where they beat up a woman. So they turned Poison into a man disguised as a woman. Or, perhaps, as a trans woman. The specifics changed over time, but Poison enjoys a role as one of the most widely loved Capcom characters. -
You might not know Daniel Lamb's name, but that is only because the game in which he featured, Manhunt 2, was kept from you for some time. Manhunt 2 is one of the most brutal and violent games of all time. The violence Lamb commits over the course of the game resulted in Manhunt 2 being banned or heavily censored all over the world. It received an AO rating -- or Adults Only -- meaning it couldn't be sold in standard stores uncensored. Making matters worse, the game incorporated Wii Motion Controls for some of the kills. This upset Nintendo a lot. -
Another game given the dreaded AO rating, Hatred sparked incredible controversy upon release. However, unlike Manhunt 2, the game has few defenders. This is in part because its protagonist, known as the Antagonist, is a cartoonish edgelord who spouts lines better suited for edgelord Joker memes than human speech. -
Sub-Zero's fatality essentially created the ESRB rating system. The sheer brutality of him ripping a skull and its spine out frightened conservative politicians so much they took the game's development crew to court over it. While Manhunt 2 and other violent games caused controversy, none caused so much they created a rating system over it. -
Leisure Suit Larry is video game's creepy uncle who you feel compelled to invite to Thanksgiving despite how uncomfortable he makes everyone else. Your enjoyment of this franchise depends on how amusing you find the game saga's cringe comedy. Some defend the game as some of the funniest stuff in the old point-and-click era. Others hate it because they just find it sexist and weird. Regardless, most everyone can agree that Magna Cum-Laude is garbage. -
Erica from Catherine is a painfully grounded depiction of the sort of casual bigotry trans people encounter in real life. Erica is a trans woman who, despite being respected by most of the other characters in-game, receives near-constant hate from the main character. For whatever reason, a lot of players seemed to side with the main character. It got so bad that the Catherine wiki had to stop people from editing in transphobic slurs into her entry. -
Duke Nukem, much like Leisure Suit Larry, is either a beloved icon of video game pop culture or the cringiest remnant of an era best left in the dust. However, unlike Leisure Suit Larry, Duke Nukem didn't keep players waiting for over a decade for a new game that turned out to be, at best, mediocre. For awhile, Nukem was the undisputed God of Video Games, but with the passing of time, fans have soured on the character. Many see him as a try-hard sexist. Others see him as The Man. However, as time passes, opinions inevitably diverge on this character. -
The Duck Hunt Dog laughs at you every time you miss the ducks in Duck Hunt. No other character has elicited the sort of blind rage this dog triggers in its players. Players who love dogs have tried to figure out how to shoot the Duck Hunt Dog with thier light gun, to no avail. It won't stop the laughing. The dog will live rent-free in your head. Also, he's surprisingly good in Smash Bros. Ultimate.
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Dante from the Devil May Cry remake remains a hot-button topic for fans. On one hand, some people, for whatever reason, like this edgy, dour portrayal of the typically energetic bad-ass from the first four games. However, many long-time Devil May Cry fans saw this black-haired reimagining of their hero as a slap-to-the-face. Even fans of the DMC remake admit they find this new Dante insufferable and try-hard.