The 25 Best Video Games Of All Time According to Reddit
Video games are great, but there are too damned many of them. And there is never enough time to play every title.
So when you do find the time to play, you should only play the very best games. With the help of Reddit users, we have rounded up the best games of all time for you to check out!
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So when you do find the time to play, you should only play the very best games. With the help of Reddit users, we have rounded up the best games of all time for you to check out!
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Spyro the Dragon. I have some great memories playing the Great Wall of China level in Year of the Dragon -
Red Dead Redemption. It hits close to home for me. I used to watch westerns all the time with my grandma. She passed away a week after Easter that year. When I played it. Was like we were watching a western again. The story of John Marston is something I always love going back to. Online was great playing with my best friend. We always had our go-to characters to cause chaos online. Warring with posses at the fort in Mexico was fun too! Red Dead Redemption 2 is awesome. But I'm a sucker for the original. Hoping for a remaster. -
Jak and Daxter As a kid, it was fun to romp around the maps and mindlessly bash things. It scratches that nice completionist itch in me. The scenery is really pretty. The music is all bops. And I will constantly replay it. Plus it was the first game I 100% completed. -
Tetris, weirdly enough. -
Goldeneye. Those late 90s get-togethers with my bro and some mates, 4 player License to Kill all maps. Glorious, nostalgic and etched firmly in my soul. -
GTA San Andreas I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda. -
Diablo 2. Just picked up the remaster and I'm sucked right in like its 1999 all over again -
Mass Effect 2. The final mission will always be one of my favorite gaming moments -
Super Mario 64 Could listen to those water levels all day long. So chill. -
Banjo Kazooie. My uncle bought an N64 so we could have something to bond over at his house. He used to just watch me play that game, it was a great time. Miss you and love you, Uncle Tommy. -
Bioshock The whole atmosphere, the setting, and telling the whole story in just a subtle way, while you are still playing basically without a lot of cutscenes. -
Super Mario World. I love beating it 100% -
Original Star Wars Battlefront 2. Galactic conquest was an amazing feature, also the 501st campaign was so good. -
RollerCoaster Tycoon. 1998-1999 were such special years for PC gaming. -
When I replayed the Baldur’s Gate Enhanced Edition, I was floored at how amazing this game was. I uncovered every nook and cranny I could and still have probably only seen 60% of the content. No game has made me feel like I’m playing D&D like this. -
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. Honestly, I love them all from THPS 1 to THAW. Some are better than others, some I have more nostalgic attachment for than others, but they're all just a great time. -
Starcraft. Zerglings were so cute when they were being splattered by my siege tanks! -
Command and Conquer 2 - Red Alert. That soundtrack was banging. -
Super Mario Bros 3. I'd argue it’s the best video game ever created. The controls, level design, and overall experience I have never seen matched. And it's endlessly re-playable, and will be until the end of time. -
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. I still play it every day. I play the original on 64 too, I refuse to complete it because the end of the game is just a "The end" screen and you can't continue to play after beating it. I said f*ck that, I wanna live in Shy Guy's Toybox forever -
Halo 3 just holds such a special place in my heart. The first game I ever properly played with my dad, and still my favorite game to date. -
Elder Scrolls III Morrowind. Was my first RPG and still to this day I find myself playing with only graphic mods and OpenMW -
Chrono Trigger. Nothing compares. CT has 12 different endings (13 if you’re on the DS port), each one shows a different story if the game is finished at different points. if you didn't complete certain events, if you didn’t meet certain people, the ending changes accordingly. this was in 1995. CT coined the term New Game Plus. Absolutely holds up to this day and remains one of the best games ever committed to silicon -
MGS3 Snake Eater. That theme song alone makes it brilliant. -
The original Donkey Kong Country Partly because it reminds me of hanging with my brothers when we were kids, partly because the game is a perfect “tough but fair” platformer, but mostly because the soundtrack absolutely slaps
- The 25 Best Video Games Of All Time According to Reddit
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Spyro the Dragon. I have some great memories playing the Great Wall of China level in Year of the Dragon