30 Games With The Lowest User Scores On Metacritic
Living in the internet age has given us the ability to find out the best games in the market. It’s all thanks to user reviews on websites like Metacritic that keeps a record of almost every game and people’s reaction to them. But we’re not here to talk about the best games. Instead, we’ll list the worst user-rated games ever.
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Madden NFL 21 - 0.2/10 - Checking out the latest entry in the series, the NFL has definitely seen better days. Despite the subtle visual and mechanical upgrades, this game was rammed by the users for lacking a spirit and for being a full-price roster update. With over 5500 reviews, this game stands at a 0.2/10. -
Warcraft III: Reforged - 0.6/10 - The remake or reimagining of a classic is usually a pretty risky task. It’s possible that people can hate the upgrades made to the game, and that’s exactly what happened. People compared this to a much better remaster of Starcraft and called this one the worst remaster of all time. -
Day One: Garry's Incident - 0.9/10 - Survival games boomed in the past ten years, but just like there have been good survival games, there have been bad ones such as Day One: Garry's Incident. The game’s studio was even noted to be accused of alleged Metacritic astroturfing. -
NBA 2K21 - 1.1/10 - It seems like NBA games nowadays are getting worse & worse, and the NBA 2K21 is the worst one yet. The game becomes a complete money looter title with its implementation of microtransactions in MyCareer and MyTeam modes. -
FIFA 20 - 1.1/10 - Soccer/Football games have also reached an all-time low in the past decade, and FIFA 20 is an absolute example of that. Based on user reviews, this game is garbage with bugs and no major improvements, and it’s more like a full-priced game update instead of a well-thought-out improved FIFA game. -
The Culling II - 1.1/10 - Battle Royale games are super popular because of the concept, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any bad BR games in the market. The Culling II is the worst Battle-Royale game ever made, and the user reviews are evidence for that. -
The Slaughtering Grounds - 1.1/10 - This First-person shooter, Survival horror indie title aims a bit too high than it can reach. As a result, it fell flat onto the ground and was slaughtered by its fanbase. -
FIFA 21 - 1.2/10 - Luckily, FIFA 21 is slightly better than FIFA 20, with a 0.1 lead which is certainly an improvement. Despite being mauled by the players, Jokes apart, this game managed to improve just a little, at least in terms of rating. Because otherwise, it is more or less the same. -
Metal Gear Survive - 1.3/10 - It’s fair to say that a Metal Gear without Kojima didn’t survive despite its best efforts. MG Survive is a poor attempt at cashing in on the classic franchise and building a multiplayer survival game out of it. Fair to say it didn’t work. -
Alone in the Dark: Illumination - 1.3/10 - The earlier games in the Alone In The Dark series have been pretty much fan favorites. This is the reason why the series kept coming back with new games. Sadly, Illumination wasn’t a good AITD game and really turned the remaining fans against the game. -
Fast & Furious: Showdown - 1.3/10 - Movie games are usually not that good. But they’ve also never been this bad for the fans either. Showdown looks like it is devoid of soul and is more or less like an old mobile game made for consoles. No wonder fans turned on this. -
Ride to Hell: Retribution - 1/3/10 - When the game takes this long to launch, it’s bound to be a mess. The same is Ride To Hell's story. It's a mediocre game that plays like a game from the PlayStation 1 era and has a clear lack of anything innovative. Not to mention this game was launched on PS3, the same console with classics such as GTA V, The Last of Us, and God Of War. -
WWE 2K20 - 1.5/10 - 2K butchered the soul of pro-wrestling games with the release of 2K20. Not only did this game remove great additions that were made in 2K19, but it also played like a buggy alpha instead of a full-fledged game. This game was not worth upgrading with a full price tag, which explains the low user score. -
Wild West Online - 1.5/10 - Red Dead Online isn't the best multiplayer game, but it's certainly not as bad as Wild West Online. Fans absolutely dislike everything about this game, from its gameplay to multiplayer and graphics. Despite an interesting concept, nothing could save this one. -
R.I.P.D. The Game - 1.5/10 - The second worst movie game of all time, at least according to the fans. R.I.P.D is based on a movie with the same name. The movie wasn't that popular to begin with, which is why this poor attempt at cashing in on the name really failed in the eyes of gamers. -
Star Wars Battlefront II - 1.7/10 - A Battlefield-like game set in the Star Wars universe sounds like a great concept, and it actually was until the first Battlefront. But EA did wrong to the sequel, making a great-looking and great-playing game a big failure. -
Grass Simulator - 1.7/10 - The market in recent years quickly became full of random hilarious simulator titles. Grass Simulator is not one of those. It's not humorous. It's not fun. It's not a proper game at all. This is just a half-assed, badly built title that cashes on the concept of simulator games. -
Rambo: The Video Game - 1.7/10 - If this game were released in the SNES era, it would still be pretty mediocre. But surprisingly, this on-rail shooter was released on PS3 and 360. What a missed opportunity to turn one of the greatest action movies into a proper game. -
Kick-Ass 2 - 1.9/10 - Another day, another movie game poorly received by games. Kick-Ass 2 genuinely has a great setting to be a fun superhero game if made by someone like Rocksteady. It fails at gameplay and story. -
Deep Black - 1.9/10 - Initially entitled U-WARS and Underwater Wars, Deep Black had a lot of potential in terms of concept. But this third-person shooter failed to deliver on every place imaginable, rendering it obsolete. -
Extinction - 2.0/10 - Talking about obsolete, Extinction is another game that hilariously flopped despite the great concept. Fans couldn't get into this David vs. Goliath-styled game. -
Battlefield Play4Free - 2.0/10 - If EA is giving something for free, there's a catch. Play4Free attempted to cash in on the free multiplayer game formula that was pretty hip back in the day. This 2011 title was built on the classic Battlefield 2 engine, which quickly proved against it. The reason for this is the much newer Battlefield 3, which was released in 2011 as well. -
Ghostbusters - 2.1/10 - The Activision's Ghostbusters title released in 2016 is clearly the worst in the series. It's even worse than the NES game with that weird gameplay. At least that's what the users think. -
RollerCoaster Tycoon World - 2.1/10 - Tycoon games are very subjective in their gameplay. But fans have always liked the RollerCoaster Tycoon series. That was until the RC Tycoon World, where the series dropped the ball. Players called this one unplayable and frustrating at best. -
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight - 2.1/10 - When C&C 4 was first announced, it really turned some heads. But it soon became clear this wasn't the same old fun Command & Conquer title fans wanted. One user explained it really well by writing, "The game itself would not have been that bad if it were a new IP or an offshoot of the C&C Brand (Like a multiplayer only side-game) but C&C 4 was supposed to be the grand finale of the traditional RTS, not some knock off. They should have kept the original formula and polished every speck of dust off of it. Personally I always like the C&C format of RTS, so I was severely disappointed when I realized that the C&C franchise died with a whimper." -
One-Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows - 2.2/10 - Sprouted from one of the best anime out there, this game certainly had a lot of potentials. Sadly, it fell extremely short of the expectations of players and anime fans. -
Call of Duty: Ghosts - 2.2/10 - Activision's number one shooter franchise saw its biggest failure in Ghosts. This game was poorly timed, releasing between the console generations, and had outdated gameplay with mediocre gameplay. Also, the game uses the concept of Ghosts but renders it into a pile of unmotivated junk. -
SimCity - 2.2/10 - EA killed the series with their 2013 SimCity game. This game had so much potential, but it failed on every front. The biggest of them all is fan servicing. One user wrote that this game is "a mix of smaller cities, no preload, horribly DRM, Horrible origin." -
Wolfenstein: Youngblood - 2.3/10 - Youngblood was an unwanted game made for a quick cash grab. It has a poor story, bad co-op, and just overall disappointing gameplay. -
The Last of Us Part II - 5.7/10 - While the user rating for TLOU Part II is mediocre now, it was once very low. This game deserves mention because it's not really a bad game but has a really unrewarding storytelling experience. It doesn't do any fan service in terms of story. In fact, it mocks the intelligence of the fans of the first game.
- 30 Games With The Lowest User Scores On Metacritic
Madden NFL 21 - 0.2/10 - Checking out the latest entry in the series, the NFL has definitely seen better days. Despite the subtle visual and mechanical upgrades, this game was rammed by the users for lacking a spirit and for being a full-price roster update. With over 5500 reviews, this game stands at a 0.2/10.