18 Pics that Expose the Truth of Instagram vs. Reality
- You can always take the perfect photo, when you edit...
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23 Entitled People Who Think They Deserve More
- They need to get a grip on reality.
Absolute Ding Dong Wants Controllers for His Little...
- Joycons ain't cheap, brother.
Pics That Show We're Surrounded by Idiots
- Idiots. Idiots everywhere!
Wealthy Guy Rants About Women Dating Losers and Gets...
- It starts with him offering women 700 lbs of beef a...
Bride Cancels the Wedding She Got $30,000 in Donations...
- This lady is off her rocker.
Entitled Women Goes Psycho When She Doesn't Get What...
- "What part of 'I WANT it' don't you understand?!?"-...
27 Ridiculous Liars That Got Called out on Social Media
- Attention seekers who weren't smart enough to pull off...
Lady Starts Talking Smack After Dude Won't Breakup...
- A girl that knew this guy in highschool said some...
Sex-Ed Teachers Reveal the Weirdest Things Their...
- This is exactly why sex-ed is so important!
28 Times People Had Brainfarts and Said Something...
- Those moments when you say something other than you...
Boss Fires Employee for Sharing a Meme About Pooping...
- This guy shared an innocent meme about pooping at...
Bite Sized Batch of Funny Pics and Memes To Make You...
- Funny pics for you when you need to take a break.
Instances of Cosplay So Bad Our Eyes Our Bleeding (22...
- This is not "costume play" this is "costume crime"!
Twenty-Two Ladies Caught Lying on Instagram
- In this day and age, there are (at least) two versions...
Buyer Can't Wrap His Head Around the Fact Computer...
- Way to pick a fight, bro.
25 Cringey Neckbeards Who Need To Be Kicked Off The...
- Neckbeards are ruining the internet!
25 Construction Fails That Are Hard to Look At
- Better leave it to the professionals next time.
Silly Pics Full of Inexplicable Stupidity
- Prepare to faceplam like you've never facepalmed...
30-Year-Old Loser Has Crazy Demands After Getting...
- This guy is the most choosy beggar.
Terrible People Who Are Total Scumbags
- People taking society backwards.
Influ-Loser Tries to Get Paid to Share a Song With...
- Influencers have become a plague on society,...
Guy Ordered A Weird George Costanza Painting And...
- Why did you order that in the first place?!?
Internet Liars Who Got Called out on Their S**t
- Just a bunch of liars getting called out.
30 People Who Utterly Failed the One Job They Had
- With the emphasis on "had".
Trashy Hockey Dad Follows "I'm Not Racist But" With...
- A hockey coach deftly handles a "not racist" father...
Instagram Influencer Leaves an Infuriatingly Entitled...
- The poor thing.
Students Share the Infuriating Reasons Teachers Gave...
- Tales from school that show the education system can...
Twenty One Trashy People Polluting Your Feed
- Trashy people doing trashy things is just a way of...
Desperate Guy Wants to Borrow a Lift, Is a Real Jerk...
- That's one way to get someone to not help you out.
Vegan Gets Traumatized For Life After Being Served...
- A British vegan asked for a sausage roll while out at...
Dak Prescott's Hail Mary Fail Memes Are the Perfect...
- Sunday Night Football's tight matchup between the...
Concerned Mom Thinks She Found Her Daughter's Dildo In...
- Lucky for mom, the truth was far more innocent than...
39 People Who Will Make You Facepalm Hard
- Warning: viewing these images might cause complete...
Hinge Date Wants a Ride and a Free Dinner and Dude's...
- Bullet dodged.
Twenty-One People Who Are Total Jerks
- What is it about some people that they just have to be...
Funny Pics And Memes About Anti-Vaxxers (23 Images)
- Anti-vax? More like Pro-plague!
24 Cringey Neckbeards Who Are Just Awful
- Who do we speak to about getting these guys' internet...
26 Pics From When Things Clearly Went Down
- Examples of out of the ordinary occasions when things...
Affluent Parent Doesn't Want Cheap Halloween Candy to...
- Happy Halloween?
eBaum's Picks