Affluent Parent Doesn't Want Cheap Halloween Candy to...
- Happy Halloween?
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"Influencer" Gets Shut Down by a Bar Owner After...
- Have fun at your "relevant bars," dingus.
Bride Who Wanted Guests To Spend $400 On Her Wedding...
- Weddings can be a stressful time, and how the bride...
Needy Bride Wants a Pro Makeup Job for Free
- A generous friend offered to help a soon-to-be bride...
Thirsty Girl Discovers Dude Gave Her A Fake Number,...
- You can tell a lot about someone based on how they...
Pictures Overflowing With Truth That You Cannot Dispute
- Funny and relatbable memes that you just can't argue...
Criminals Competing to be the Worst People From Their...
- Which US state has the worst kind of offender?
Butcher Shares a Series of Infuriating Customer...
- Andy is a butcher at a grocery store in South...
Men Who Fail At Female Anatomy (24 Pics)
- These guys just don't understand women at all.
Woman Thinks Joyner Lucas Giving Away $500 to Single...
- Lucas responded to the ungrateful comment during...
Hilariously Bad Game Show Answers From Real Dummies...
- Game show answers that totally missed the mark but...
Demanding Woman Wants Person to Watch Her Diabetic Dog...
- This extremely rude woman seems entitled despite the...
Twenty-Four Trashy People Who Are Polluting Humanity
- These people are just straight-up garbage.
Lady Offers Her Body in Exchange for a Dude's Used...
- A guy attempting to sell his Pontiac Grand Prix got an...
Instances Of Social Media Being Total Bulls**t
- Don't believe what you see.
16 Pics Of People Who've Never Even Heard of OSHA
- For these reckless dare devils, "safe" is a...
26 Times Cheaters Got Their Tinder Accounts Blown Up
- Snapshots from Tinder show marriages and relationships...
Pics Filled To The Brim With Stupidity (25 Pics)
- We're all drowning in a sea of morons.
Doctors Describe the Obvious Advice They Had to Give...
- Patients who had to have things that should be obvious...
Desperate Bride Completely Disrespects the Musician...
- Bitchy bride insists musician doesn't know what...
16 People Having the Absolute Worst Luck
- When the universe hates you and wants you to know...
Creepy Oil Change Guy Gets Put in His Place
- WTF was this guy thinking?
29 Trashy People Who Are Walking Dumpster Fires
- Every one of these people belongs in a landfill.
Awkward Text Exchange from a Neighbor Who Just Wants...
- Kuda the blonde wants that D, but her neighbor is just...
Self-Proclaimed "Nice Guy" Looking For A Date Shows...
- This is such a depressing text exchange between a...
People Who Are Absolute Scumbags (25 Images)
- I really hate people sometimes.
25 Cringe Pics And Neck Beard Things To Make You Puke
- These people are all kinds of awkward.
The Time I Screwed Up by Throwing My Steak Out of a...
- A funny story retold with memes about dinner party...
Airport Security Worker Fired For Slipping 'You Ugly'...
- This has to be one of the strangest stories. Can you...
Frat Bro Plans to Book a Rapper and Take $550 of the...
- North Carolina rapper "Riggitoni" got this sweet offer...
25 People Who Have Lost Their Damn Minds
- Just when you think humanity couldn't get any dumber...
25 Neckbeards Who Sit At The Peak Of Mt. Cringe
- These people need to be kicked off the internet.
25 Images That Are Jam-Packed With Stupidity
- *facepalm* I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
25 Internet Badasses You Don't Want To Tussle With
- Oooohhhh, watch out y'all. We got some real tough guys...
19 Horrible Parents Who Should Have Been Sterilized
- Who thought it was a good idea to let these people be...
22 People Who Are Having A Much Worse Day Than You
- If you're feeling bad about your day, just remember it...
25 Insane Images Found Online
- This world is going to hell in a handbasket.
25 People Who Are Totally Being 100% Honest About...
- Hide your families, or they too may fall victim to...
Bride Melts Down on Facebook and Cancels Her Wedding
- The rant, shared by "Susan's" cousin, paints the...
25 Cringey Neckbeards Who Have Zero Shame
- The cringe is strong with these ones.
eBaum's Picks