These Awkward Couples Prove There's Someone for...
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
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18 Annoying Things That'd Tick Anyone Off
- Annoying things that would send you over the edge.
30 Images That Are Filled With Stupidity
- These people do not have their heads screwed on right.
30 Liars Who Got Called on their B.S.
- People lie all the time, these people happened to be...
28 Awkward Images That Bring the Cringe
- These pics of flubs, faux pas, and fails will make you...
42 Photos That Will Remind You That Your Day Wasn't...
- Sometimes life happens and when the universe throws...
Dude's Attempt to Have Sex With His Wife Fails...
- There's desperate, and then there's DESPERATE.
32 Risky Pics That Will Entertain Your Dirty Mind
- Sometimes the best thing to do is keep your head low...
Motel Owner Gives The Perfect Response To A Biased 1...
- These obnoxious guests got put in their place.
30 Pics That Will Make You Facepalm
- People who made some questionable decisions.
32 Thought Provoking Pics That Will Make You Think
- From deep thoughts to borderline philosophical...
30 'Nice Guys' Who Are Whiny, Entitled Pricks
- These guys can't understand why they can't get women...
30 Liars Called Out on Their B.S.
- You mean to tell me people would just lie on the...
Headphones Sale Takes a Turn for the Dumb
- These two dweebs fighting over headphones is a...
Crazy Wife Makes An Insane List Of Demands For Her...
- This woman's husband was invited to a Bachelor Party...
32 Times Sh*t Hit the Fan
- Pics from times things did not go as planned.
Dude Can't Accept He's in the Friendzone
- This dude needs a wakeup call.
34 Guys Who Know Nothing About The Female Body
- The only women these guys have any experience with are...
32 People Who Are Completely Full of Sh*t
- Attention seekers telling stories on the internet...
20 Times People Saw Through the BullSh*t and Were 100%...
- Liar lair pants on fire, I hope your mom gets a flat...
35 Morons Living Their Best Life
- It's people like this, that make us feel better about...
Woman Melts Down After Being Dumped
- Just imagine for a second what she would have been...
51 Examples of People Who Totally 'Nailed It'
- Design fails, stupid decisions, and generally bad...
"Eloquent" Bro Loses it on Tinder
- Something tells me that Marshall doesn't really have a...
The Best Cases Of People Getting Called Out For Their...
- It great to see people's bullshit get thrown right...
Insane Woman Buying Raw Honey Thinks It's Made of...
- Seriously, just a read a book lady. Wasn't sure if I...
29 Idiots Who Have No Idea What They're Talking About
- They need to be kicked off the internet.
55 People Who Will Make You Facepalm
- They're not the sharpest tools in the shed.
Woman Claims She Can’t Find Job Because of Good Looks
- "Even during the hiring process, being beautiful gets...
25 "Badasses" Who Don't Play by Your Rules
- There's no stopping them from doing what they want....
33 Internet Geniuses Who Are Way Smarter Than You
- These people are totally, defiantly, without a shadow...
39 Pics That'll Give You a Cringe Fit
- People who aren't exactly role models.
53 Times the Sh** Hit the Fan
- They should probably just go back to bed.
Greedy Cousin's "True Colors" Come Out
- Inheritance certainly does bring out the worst in...
18 Pics of a New Instagram Trend Will Make You Cringe
- You just can't unsee this. The who woman started this...
16 Misleading Pics That'll Make You Question Instagram
- Things aren't always as they appear on Instagram.
19 Times People Took Things Too Far
- This ain't it chief!
Entitled Witch Thinks She Can Get Flowers For Free On...
- This florist leaves her fuming, her husband should...
Dude Gets Threatened After Offering a Free Greenhouse
- You offer something free, the idiots will find you.
27 of the Worst Tattoos You'll See Today
- Cheap tattoos are just as permanent and so will the...
eBaum's Picks