World's Dumbest Kid Attempts to Buy Lego
- His parents need to take the phone away.
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32 Times When Things Didn't Go According to Plan...
- Surprising moments and unexpected situations.
27 of the Stupidest People We Could Get Our Dumb Hands...
- No one should be allowed to be this stupid. Unless...
Begging Desk Customer Gets Put in His Place
- Two weeks.
30 Pics and Memes That Will Make You Cringe Your Jeans
- Get your foreheads ready for a fresh dose of facepalm...
Guy Blasts Entitled Woman for Telling Him to Buy Her...
- Boy oh boy does this girl get put in her place. Why...
Woman Buys a Dress Online, And Realizes She Just Got...
- False advertising, photoshopped images, and things...
Lazy Student Becomes a Big Baby After Slacking in Class
- After his classmate wouldn't do the work for him, dude...
Insecure Douchebag Hit With Rejection, Goes On An...
- don't be this guy
20 Times People Ate Sh*t Hard
- Some of these probably started with "Hold my beer and...
Super Desperate Dude Sends Unsolicited Dick Pic and...
- Guys, don't do this. Seriously sending an unsolicited...
Woman In Her Late 20s Calls Bullshit On Kid Saying...
- You've got to give this guy credit for trying. When...
25 People Who Might Want a Do Over
- There are idiots everywhere. We are all idiots but we...
Anti-vax Mom Melts Down After Kid Sneaks Getting...
- Mom gets pissed when she finds out her kid got...
14 Bullsh*tters Called Out On Their Lies
- Liars getting roasted for their terrible attempts at...
39 People Having a Very Bad Day
- These people had a bad time.
Texas Woman Arrested For Fapping in Public But That...
- After being detained by officers, she continued to...
20 Facepalm Times Laziness At Work Led To A Disaster
- They won't be getting no "employee of the year" award....
Pathetic College Student Offers Nudes for an iPhone
- A college kid tried in vain to offer pictures of his...
28 People Reveal Their Biggest Gripe to Living With...
- Living with people is hard. Loving people is harder....
25 Trashy People Who Got Trashy Tattoos To Match
- Well, some people get tattoos to commemorate loved...
26 Bad Employees Who Should Be Fired
- These people weren't made for this line of work.
Guy Goes Nuts When He Can't Get an Adult Coloring Book...
- This choosing beggar lost his mind.
Kids Being Downright Hilarious & Brutal
- Kids do say the darnedest things. And now we have it...
31 Nightmare Neighbors That'd Make You Want to Move
- These idiots should live in the middle of nowhere.
Parent Needs Help Building a Computer and Suddenly...
- "Hey, I know absolutely nothing about building...
25 Beggars Who Are Choosing to be Jerks
- Some people have no self-awareness. People are so...
17 People Who Didn't Know They Were Talking To The...
- It's always awkward when something like this happens,...
Confused Barber Ruins Mans Haircut
- When a man in China showed his barber what kind of...
Cell Phone Thief Attempts To Rob MMA Fighter Polyana...
- A Brazilian man quickly discovered he made a HUGE...
Fumbling Dude Realizes He's the A**Hole and...
- One dense boyfriend took to the internet to ask "Am I...
21 People Who Clearly Didn't Get the Memo
- Get your foreheads ready for a fresh dose of facepalm...
34 Fails to Make You Feel Better About Yourself
- So you had a bad day...could be worse.
19 Human Red Flags That Will Put You Half Mast
- Girls who want everything but deserve nothing. These...
Crazy Lady Tries To Pay Her Babysitter In Ice Cream
- She really lost her cool.
Man Asks for Art Commission and the Convo Escalates...
- Artist gets asked to do commission but doesn't have...
Man Accidentally Unleashes 250 Crickets In His House
- His wife was not pleased. His wife may have murdered...
Dude Doesn't Think He Should Pay for PS4
- Man offers PS4 for money. Another man asks for PS4 for...
Entitled Woman Asks Co-worker For a $120 Tablet for...
- Greedy woman asks for more during a gift exchange with...
23 People Who Failed Terribly At Life
- Failures that are too screwed up to be real.
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