Conspiracy Theorists Think Bill Gates is Responsible...
- A baseless conspiracy theory has been circulating on...
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Frano Selak: The Dude Who God Himself Could Not Kill
- A wild and WTF story about a man who cheated death...
23 Stalin Facts Your Teachers Never Told You
- Joseph Stalin changed the face of history. Let's learn...
25 Normal Things That Look SUS At Night
- These ordinary things people do during the day look...
25 Dark Facts for Cognitive Creeps
- Too many horrors are lying around in every corner of...
27 Facepalms of Utter Stupidity
- For when the world is just too dumb.
Elementary School Accidentally Serves Kids Floor...
- An elementary school messed up in one of the worst...
Entitled Boss Fired after Losing Company over $200K
- Spoiler alert, when a company loses that much money...
Evil Ways Product Designers and Marketers Screw With Us
- They should be ashamed.
Ezra Miller Accused of Grooming 18 Year Old Girl and...
- DC’s The Flash star Ezra Miller is once again...
Entitled Boss Says ‘Sue Me’ Employee Says ‘Bet'
- Be careful what you wish for.
33 People Who Dated Celebrities Say What They're Like
- They aren't always what they seem.
Postal Worker Sends Entitled Karen to Prison
- "Do not mess with the mail. You will go to prison for...
The Joker Part 2 Is Going to be a Musical, No Really
- And here we...go!
8-Year-Old Drops Awesome F-Bomb on Sports Radio Show
- 8 year old drops an awesome f-bomb live on the Pat...
Home Alone Stories That Are Scary AF
- There is always something spooky about being home...
20 Individuals Who Greatly Impacted History
- While humans are evolving exponentially, we could've...
Possible Chupacabra Spotted In Amarillo, Texas
- A strange and mysterious human-like creature was...
25 Dall-E Mini Memes Created by Everyone’s Favorite...
- By now you've seen the nightmare fuel creator that is...
26 Vintage Ads That Were Savage Ahead of Their Time
- They sure don't make ads like they used to, that's for...
30 Most WTF Cases That Walked into The Emergency Room
- Some of the worst patient encounters.
20 Things That Should Be Outlawed In the Next 20 Years
- Twenty years from now, the law is going to be WILDLY...
Geico Forced to Pay Woman $5.2 Million After Scum...
- Geico is being forced to pay $5.2 million to a woman...
20 Cringeworthy Pics That Are Straight Up Sad
- These may make your skin crawl, but to us they just...
Suspended Engineer Leaks Documents "Proving" Google's...
- They called him insane. Blake Lemoine says he has the...
Entitled Parents Leave Infant to Fend For Itself in...
- Entitled parents have entered the chat.
Man Takes the Wheel of Flaming Oil Tanker to Save Lives
- Just yesterday in a remote park of Pakistan, an oil...
Trucker Annihilates His Own Trailer on Pole
- Kudos to whoever installed that pole.
‘Son of Sam’ Facts You May Not Know about the...
- David Berkowitz, AKA the Son of Sam Killer struck...
Small Town Tall Tales That You Have to Read to Believe
- Enter at your own peril past the town's door, where...
Roofer Cuts the Bullsh*t of State Farm Insurance Snake
- Through calmness and rational questioning, a roofer...
23 That Might Make You Do a Double-Take
- It may take you awhile to see what's happening.
25 Reminders That Kids Are Like Tiny Drunk People
- It's not their fault, but kids can be quite dumb from...
25 Memes With No Humor In Them
- Anti-Memes for people who don't like humor.
Surfer Dodges 25+ People on a Crowded Wave
- Now this is what we call elegance and grace.
25 Nightcrawlers Reveal the Scariest Things They Ever...
- The internet is full of stories and real-life...
31 Animal Facts Too Wild to Tame
- Just how much do we really know about the animal...
Two Cousins Accidentally Slept Together and Their...
- Arguably the worst mistake you could make is hooking...
Fake 'War Hero' Bought Her Medals on the Internet
- Sarah Jane Cavanaugh claims she earned a Purple Heart...
Orangutan Hands Idiot His Own Ass
- A guy visiting the zoo got a little too close for...
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