Wife Beating Cop Is Arrested While on Duty and Has His...
- This scumbag beat his spouse so bad she was left with...
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The FSO Nabarima with 60,000,000 Gallons of Oil Aboard...
- Gary Aboud, a corporate secretary for "Fishermen and...
21 Super Entitled People Being the Choosiest of Beggars
- These people want more and more, nothing is ever good...
10 Video Game Remasters So Bad They're Crimes
- These developers couldn't even hit Copy + Paste...
18 Liars Being Called Out Online
- Liars getting put in their place.
10 Most Important Glitches in Video Game History
- Mistakes just as amazing as the games they were in.
18 Requests Fulfilled Correctly but Annoyingly
- Maybe they're overthinking things.
Did NY Congressman Jerry Nadler Shart Himself On Live...
- (Enhanced Audio) Representative Jerry Nadler appears...
16 Incompetent People Who Were Hired and Quickly Fired
- A good firing story is always worth a click.
Baby Boxing Gender Reveal is 2020's Latest Chaotic...
- Well, it's a boy.
Woman Accused of Gold Digging After Marrying...
- Oliva Stone, who went by the now deleted Twitter...
Wife Crashes Her Husband's Wedding
- He told her he was going out of town for the weekend,...
Self-Righteous Facebookers Attack Woman for Disowning...
- The case infuriated people and no one could stay...
Footage from a Covid Prom Night Is Seriously Strange
- What a strange year it has been.
25 Pics Filled To the Brim With Dumb
- A batch of dumb served right at ya.
Bridezilla Demands Her Boyfriend Commit in Impromptu...
- "I brought a pastor, she is my maid of honor, you are...
A Huge Collection of ATV Fails That I Couldn't Help...
- Some fails are painful, some are funny, while others...
25 Super Entitled People Living in Their Own Reality
- The world has no shortage of entitled people or as we...
The Commercial that Killed a Fast Food Chain
- While it hasn't died out entirely, a disastrous ad...
CNN Reporter Deals With Racoon Seconds Before Going...
- Seconds before going live, veteran reporter Joe Johns...
Drunk Woman Flips While Attempting to Sit Down and...
- “I only had one margarita”. Yeah okay Susan. I...
Flat Earther's World View Crumbles Before His Eyes as...
- A scene from a documentary where a flat earth believer...
16 Ruthless Jokes about the Dorky 'Gamer Credit Card'
- You can't even play "DOOM" on it.
Wendy Williams Has a Weird Way of Saying 'Corona'
- Once I can chalk up to being a fluke, but she flubbed...
35 WTF Texts From People's Exes
- The only thing worse than a bad ex is a bad ex who...
'Super Mario Bros. 35' Is Free but Not Worth Your Time
- Everything you need to know about the reformed...
Vanilla Ice Once Made a Heavy Metal Version of 'Ice...
- It's rare for something to be surprising, yet still...
Guy Tricks Spectrum Into Coming Out and Improving His...
- When you can't get your internet provider to come out...
All Hell Breaks Lose in Crazy Family Trip To the Zoo
- This video has everything. A young boy puking in his...
2500-Year-Old Sealed Tomb is Opened For the First Time
- Yeah, nothing bad is going to happen.
25 Bad Movie Reviews That Are Actually Good
- These people are just calling it like they see it, and...
Trump Accused of Signing Blank Piece of Paper in...
- The President has been accused of staging two photos...
Curb Your COVID Diagnosis
- We all knew it was only a matter of time before Donald...
30 Irrational Childhood Fears People Grew Out Of
- Thought some of these would be much bigger issues...
Fascist Gamers Got Political Video Game Mods Banned...
- Even gamers can't seem to keep politics out of video...
30 Trending Memes From This Week
- Time flies when your online, and it seems these days...
Dad Embarrasses Kid by Recreating 'Are Ya Winning,...
- At least he's proud to be the father of a Twitch...
Hateful Karen Gets Caught on Camera Keying a Tesla
- A Tesla owner is crediting his car’s technology for...
25 Bad Jokes People Walked Right Into
- Someone get these people a ladder because these jokes...
Video Explains 7 Reasons Why Shipping Container Homes...
- Thousands of shipping containers are discarded every...
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