Radio Announcer Makes Critical Mistake on Game-Losing...
- Just imagine not being able to watch this game on...
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10 Silliest-Looking Armors With the Best Stats
- Video games are filled with wild armor. Sometimes, it...
36 Pics That Are The Epitome of Cringe
- Get your motivation to exercise by walking off the...
Lyft Driver Freaks Out Over Request to Roll Down...
- A man ran into quite a speedbump earlier when he dared...
30 People Having A Worse Day Than You
- When life decides to suck.
21 Oddly Specific Rules That Exist For Some Reason
- Odd and seemingly obvious rules that make you wonder,...
The 20 Most Impressive Speedruns of All Time
- Can you imagine putting in hours and hours replaying a...
Douchebags Block Only Road Out of Florida Keys to Flex...
- Where's a guy with a monster truck when you need one?
HS Principal Announces Drastic Measures to Combat...
- The 'Devious Lick' TikTok trend encourages kids to...
21 Cringe-Filled Pyramid Scheme Pitches That Just...
- These people have absolutely no shame in the game....
DJ Cuts Lil John for ABBA, Because Apparently Nobody...
- The DJ did this dude dirty. When you're four rum and...
'Devious Licks' A Viral Trend Where Kids Film...
- The trend started on Tiktok and purportedly shows kids...
Karen Calls 911 Over Western Bacon Cheeseburger
- There's some next-level entitlement happening to make...
20 Wild and Bizarre Ads That Need to Calm Down
- These ads need to back off.
Move Over Kanye and Drake, There's a New Number One...
- Papapapapapa party till I die may be the worst thing...
21 Pets with a Combined Awareness Rating of Zero
- These pets have absolutely no clue what is going on in...
Deathloop Voice Actor Jason Kelley Asks Someone to...
- Someone send this dude a PS5!
The Ten Worst Bootleg Gaming Products Ever Made
- Bootleg video games are pretty much as old as the...
21 WTF Moments Where The Universe Singled Someone Out
- Sometimes your day starts like one of these and gets...
NBA 2K22 Crosses the Line With Over the Top Product...
- Uhh, cool? What's the deal with State Farm and...
Six Differences Between Apocalyptic Games and Our...
- One thing that Hollywood and game devs are fascinated...
Indiana 9/11 Tribute Goes Viral For the Wrong Reasons
- Who thought this was a great idea?
17 Smartass Comments From Sassy Folks
- The internet is full of people just waiting to fire...
Remaking the Matrix with a $20 Budget
- It's like the Matrix you know and love but cheap as...
20 Things that are Mildly Infuriating
- Some people just want to watch the world burn... or...
Store Owner Sets a Trap to Catch a Thief Who's Been...
- A store owner who was tired of his place being...
That Time Johnny Carson Exposed a Fake Psychic on...
- In this 1973 clip, we see Johnny Carson -- who was an...
YouTuber Uploads Unedited Video of Her Using Crying...
- YouTuber Jordan Cheyanne had quite the facepalm moment...
19 Pics that are the Epitome of Cringe
- Get your motivation to exercise by walking off the...
Guy Lights a Cigarette Inside His Truck and Something...
- I'm not sure what he was carrying but it was...
13 People With Awful Luck
- And I thought my luck was bad!
Why You Shouldn't Chill In a Mosh Pit
- The mosh pit is not a place to have a relaxing drink,...
Cowboys Entire Offensive Line Penalized, off to a...
- The Cowboys are already giving us some viral content,...
People Calling Thor "Fat" Have No Idea What a...
- This is the Thor we deserve, but for some, it's not...
Control is Too Damn Good to be So Bad
- I wanted to like Control, I really did, but after...
42 Trashy People Polluting the World
- These people need to be ejected from this planet.
30 Tech Workers Share Their IT Nightmares
- Working in IT sounds like an interesting enough job....
Reporter Harasses Wrong Dude While He Repeatedly Tries...
- Lisa Guerrero of Inside Edition approached a helper of...
Steven Seagal’s Energy Drink Commercial Is Every Bit...
- He actually named one of the flavors "Asian...
That Time Harvey Weinstein Played Himself in a Barbie...
- Well, they say hindsight is 20/20. In the 2005 clip of...
eBaum's Picks