Video Shows the Successes and Failures of Our Fellow...
- We're all just trying our best to make it through this...
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Smashing an Xbox Series X Turns Out to Be Kinda...
- This dumb video actually shows how strong this console...
Angry Gamers Vent Online as Walmart's Site Crashes on...
- Tons of angry gamers found themselves unable to snag a...
How to Brick Your Brand New PS5
- You didn't want to play games on that $500 machine,...
PS5 Isn't as Good as Kid Finding Porn on His PSP
- Hopefully the PS5's launch day is going as well as...
'Call of Duty' Gives XBox and PC Users One More Reason...
- The one thing we can all agree one is that video games...
I Tried to Review 'Godfall' and Failed Miserably
- If you love melee combat and big swords, this is the...
XBox Series X's Are NOT Smoking, but Some Are Breaking...
- So this is what 12k resolution looks like, huh?
'Cyberpunk 2077' May Now Be Delayed until 2021 but...
- Let's just not think about this game for a while.
Some Xbox Series X Preorders Delayed until Dec 31st...
- Today is Xbox day, which means gamers everywhere are...
People Are Visiting Trump's 'Four Seasons' Debacle in...
- Relive the humiliation of losing the election whenever...
Four Seasons Total Landscaping
- Four Seasons Total Landscaping, not to be confused...
Hockey Player Yeets Himself from the Rink After an...
- This player scored a goal and went to jump up against...
Streamer Finds Out How Used Japanese Panties Really...
- These vending machines were a thing of legend, but...
Helicopter Carrying Heart for a Transplant Crashed,...
- A pilot suffered minor wounds after a helicopter...
GameStop Cancels Employee Challenge That Looks like...
- Dance, monkey! Dance!
25 People Who Didn't Know What Their Foreign Tattoo...
- Nobody is safe when it comes to inking yourself with...
21 Hideous Car Designs That Russians Apparently Love
- As dumb as these cars look, I still want to buy one.
Streamer Reminds People of the Sad Realities of the...
- Asking people to NOT give you money is now setting...
15 Embarrassing Translation Fails in Video Games
- "All your data are belong to us." - Facebook
10 Hilarious Ways Movies and TV Shows Failed to Use...
- "Hey there fellow youths!"
Halloween News Bloopers that I Couldn't Help But Laugh...
- A mega-sized collection of awkward, funny, and WTF...
19 Bad Movie Adaptations That Almost Ruined Video Game...
- Somehow "Ready Player One" isn't on this list.
Guy Accidently Sets His Car on Fire during World...
- This dude was doing donuts in an intersection after...
'Cyberpunk 2077' Delayed until December 10th, Fans...
- Keanu let us all down again. For shame...
33 Classic Randoms to Make Time Move Faster
- Enjoy a fresh batch of cool, funny, and wtf pics to...
Watch Twitch Streamer's Heart Break as Strangers Laugh...
- Someone had to tell him the truth.
30 Parents Messing up Their Kids for Life
- Some parents maybe went too far.
25 People Entitled Beyond Belief
- They live in a world that is all about themselves....
Pathetic Cheater's Aimbot Hack Malfunctions and He...
- He's such a poor shot he can't even aim at a person...
Unlucky Wrestler Hypes up the Crowd to Watch Him Break...
- His knee looked at him and just said, "Nope!"
Strangers Try to Guess Who's a Virgin and Fail Wildly
- This Nickelodeon game show was quickly cancelled for...
34 Funny Pics and Memes to Amuse and Delight
- Stuff to spend some time with.
38 Radical Randoms with a Funny Perspective
- Here's something to laugh about.
Guys Flood a Room With Water Until the Floor Collapses
- These dudes wanted to see if it was possible to fill...
Video Game Developer Regrets Saying He Deserves...
- When you have an opinion that literally no one else...
'Minecraft' Steve Hangs Dong in 'Super Smash' but...
- R.I.P. (Rest In Pixels) to Steve's steak.
22 Mainstream Brand Video Game Collaborations That...
- Someone better have licked that Doritos XBox...
Pics of Rudy Giuliani in Borat 2 Surface
- The former mayor of New York City, makes an appearance...
25 Design Fails Caused by Bad Font Spacing
- Not all fonts are spaced perfectly, and sometimes they...
eBaum's Picks